(5 weeks ago)
“We encourage you to do the project as maximum as you can. The more you work on it, the bigger the possibilities of getting higher marks”
“The more you put some variations on your project or the more you make extraordinary things that we didn’t expect, the bigger the chance you get more marks”
“It’s quite difficult to get a full mark for this project.. but we advise you to try more and more! Don’t forget trying to be creative as you could get maximum marks”
(2 more weeks to go)
“We announce that, since almost all students want to get their project assessed on the very last day, we might ask some of you to get assessed earlier. Of course it is impossible for us to assess all of you in a day”
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they ‘asked’ us to do more and more and more to get higher marks..
definetely.. everybody wants to get assessed on the very last day.. *normal, i guess..*
now they ‘asked’ for an earlier assessment time..
huah.. unbelievable.. !!!
*haha.. emberrrrr dahhh.. -.-*
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