Monday, October 6, 2008

still friends

i made a quite lot of conversations today,’s quite surprising knowing that –after today was over- i did talk with a lot and various of people today.. *lemme have a count.. ouchh.. at least 12!! *

in my opinion, when you talked with your friends, somehow you should try to act as ‘neutral’ as you could. i mean.. let the conversations flow and hopefully you could have a nice bonding, or maybe, get along with your friends.

but i found out..
there are friends which still are not comfortable to talk to.
*you get to know that after having 10 or more lines with them.. and cant wait to ‘having lunch/dinner’? haha*

there are friends which still are very nice to talk to.
*and one of mine is getting married.. congrats to you!! thanks for inviting me !*

there are friends.. well.. you somehow just keep still talking to them for formality sake?
*coz we might need their help someday? or because they were/are part of your life?*

and there are ‘friends’ which just pop up when they think you could help them.
*are they still called friends?*

thanks for being my friend, friends !

1 comment:

  1. so, which kind of friend am I ?

    hope, not to be the formality one :)

    hehe.. thanks for the chat anyway :)



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