Thursday, October 30, 2008
on praying
“..for we do not know what we should pray for as we ought..”
*was it the reason not to pray?*
and this verse..
"..and when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. for they think that they will be heard for their many words.."
*how many words, actually, do we need?*
my pastor once said..
“when someone asks you to pray together,
in the first 1-2mins,
you pray with him..
between 2-5mins,
you pray for him..
more than 5mins,
you pray against him..” *haha*
so, do you think it’s difficult to pray?
how should we pray then?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
yang hitam atau yang putih ?
Suatu hari, Fulan berpapasan dengan seorang gembala dengan kambingnya, Fulan bertanya dengan takjub, "Pak, boleh nanya nih?"
Gembala : "Boleh"
Fulan : "Kambing-kambing bapak sehat sekali, bapak kasih makan apa?"
Gembala : "Yang mana dulu nih? Yang hitam atau yang putih?"
Fulan : "Mmmm.. Yang hitam dulu deh...."
Gembala : "Oh, kalo yang hitam, dia makannya rumput basah"
Fulan : "Ohh...kalo yang putih?"
Gembala: "Yang putih juga..."
Fulan : "Hmmm...kambing-kambing ini, kuat jalan berapa kilo pak?"
Gembala: "Yang mana dulu nih? yang hitam atau yang putih?"
Fulan : "Mmmm Yang hitam dulu deh...."
Gembala: "Oh, kalo yang hitam, 4 km sehari"
Fulan : "Kalo yang putih?"
Gembala : "Yang putih juga..."
(Si Fulan mulai gondok....)
Fulan : "Kambing ini, menghasilkan banyak bulu ngga pak, per-tahunnya?"
Gembala : "Yang mana dulu nih? yang hitam atau yang putih?"
Fulan : "(dengan kesalnya) Yang hitam dulu deh..."
Gembala : "Oh, yang hitam, banyak...10 kg per tahun"
Fulan : "Kalo yang putih...?"
Gembala : "Yang putih juga"
Gembala : "Oh, gini dik, soalnya yang hitam itu, punya saya...."
Fulan : "Oh gitu Pak, maaf kalo begitu, saya emosi...kalo yang putih?"
Gembala : "Yang putih juga"
*gubraxx.. haha..*
Saturday, October 25, 2008
another friday
= = = = =
couple days ago, i received an invitation email to have some bonding time in my lab as one of the technician was promoted. it was stated that the event will start at 1200. no worries then, of course i could make it *
friday was the day. in the morning as usual, i have a ‘little’ problem to be on time :p
well, in short, i arrived at 1205 *not too bad, huh*
on my way to lab, i was so worried im gonna be the last person to pop up (the invitation was forwarded to many ‘important’ person *including my supervisor*.
so yeah, i don’t think it was a good ‘look to be late)
i opened the door slowly.. aaaaaaaaaaaaa….
it’s just like a normal day.. *i was surprised.. ow.. was i wrong?*
i checked on my watch.. 1205.. friday..nope.. i was right..
so ?
owwww… it hasn’t started yet.. !!
well, no difference then..
ternyata bisa ngaret jugaaaaa *haha*
= = = = =
while having lunch, my supervisor joined us – and he brought his children with him. if i am not mistaken, their name are Brian and Vanessa *sorry if i type it wrong*
Brian, so nice.. while shaking hands he said, “nice to meet you” although his face showed some uncomfortness.
Vanessa, she’s so shy. she just hide her hands on her back.. *but as i ‘forced’ her, then she gave her hand but say nothing.. hihi*
actually, there was nothing special on the handshaking things, supposedly..
except -my coworker..i dunno why- while i was shaking Vanessa's hand, suddenly he said to her, “waaaa.. why do you look so shy.. is it because he’s so _ _ _ _ _ ?” *cut*
*pokoknya gubrakk dehh.. *
*o m m*
= = = = =
returning to my seat, looking back on my pacman..
*thinking* - *compiling* - *didn’t work* . . .
*thinking* - *compiling* - *didn’t work* . . .
*thinking* - *compiling* - *didn’t work* . . .
*thinking* - *compiling* - *didn’t work*. . .
*thinking* - *compiling* - *didn’t work*. . .
. . .
*give up*
well, anyhow.. my dear pacman..
probably you won't be able to chase the ghosts..
coz i still couldn’t create them..
you should be satisfied to be alone now *haha*
= = = = =
the evening.. my coworker taught me using another hero in /di o ti e/
wow.. i never thought, he sooo realy good on the game..
he asked me to try Rattletrap.. *what kind of hero is thatttt.. truly2, i didn’t feel comfy using it*
yeah, although i didn’t kill many.. but he showed me some ‘how’ to use this hero..
next hero.. never thought that this hero so good..
he guided me all the way game is played.
and of course.. yes.. another MONSTER KILL !! hoho..
= = = = =
and.. my fam just phoned me..
somehow i felt, they thought i'm insane already… *haha*
btw, thanks mom.. dad.. *hihi*
introducing.. other's thoughts
those might represent Think Thank too..
thanks for all the contributors..
keep on posting !
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
(5 weeks ago)
“We encourage you to do the project as maximum as you can. The more you work on it, the bigger the possibilities of getting higher marks”
“The more you put some variations on your project or the more you make extraordinary things that we didn’t expect, the bigger the chance you get more marks”
“It’s quite difficult to get a full mark for this project.. but we advise you to try more and more! Don’t forget trying to be creative as you could get maximum marks”
(2 more weeks to go)
“We announce that, since almost all students want to get their project assessed on the very last day, we might ask some of you to get assessed earlier. Of course it is impossible for us to assess all of you in a day”
(*#%&?>)(*#)$@*!!@+x#)@( !))(#(?>)*!_$^%^*!!
!))(#(?>)*!_$^%^*($&^!! @*!!@+x#)@( !))(
they ‘asked’ us to do more and more and more to get higher marks..
definetely.. everybody wants to get assessed on the very last day.. *normal, i guess..*
now they ‘asked’ for an earlier assessment time..
huah.. unbelievable.. !!!
*haha.. emberrrrr dahhh.. -.-*
Saturday, October 18, 2008
on numbers
and i'm proud of them !!
+xx xxx 1818 097
- i was a class of 97
- 1 + 8 = 9 (9 the highest number in decimal system)
- and i have double 18
+62 xxxx 61 2575
- 62 followed by 61
- four same-nice-number ‘x’s !!!
- 25 + 75=100
+xx 838 838 55 97
- double 838 !!
- 5 + 5 = 10
- another 97 !!
+xx xxxx 49 36
- 49 & 36 is the consecutive number that could be square-rooted
*'quite' happy.. since i was not be able to choose the number*
life is always bee-e-a-you-tifulllll.. (Bruce Nolan, 2003)
and more beautiful with beautiful numbers !!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
super PacMan
i've just created super PacMan !! *haha*
she can eat walls!!!
she already broke down the ghost' chamber !!
well.. since the ghost has not been created yet.. :D
*to be honest.. i have no idea HOW to*
let's give her a complement.. haha..
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
why do i love simon (1)
young man : [singing] & [dancing]
the judges: . . . .
young man : you want to hear the chorus?
simon: [very fast answering] NOOOOO, i could NOTT hear anymore
scene 2
woman: [singing Genie in The Bottle]
simon: wow jenifer.. that was extraordinary!!
woman: [smiling] thank you!! [giggling]
simon: unfortunately.. extraordinary in a baaaad…
woman: [can-not-believe look]
scene 3
simon: ughh robert..
i think you’ve just killed my favorite song of all the time..
robert: [shocked] kills in a good way or bad way?
simon: [jumped on] UMM.. listen!! killing is never good!! it’s never a happy killing
scene 4
simon: you’re taking singing lessons ?
girl: yes, i do
simon: who’s your teacher ?
girl: she's a lady.. at montana..
simon: do you have a lawyer?
girl: no i don’t have a lawyer
simon: get a lawyer and sue her.. seriously.. im serious..
simon: terrible !!
boy: [cant believe his hearing] excuse me… you must be joking..?
simon: yeah im lying.. you’re briliiant.. it's terrible !
scene 6
simon: [make a hand gesture] .. it's abit like watching a ship sinks.. that auditions..
girl: . . . .
simon: it’s just started of fair.. and you just… sankkk..
girl: . . . .
randy: [asking simon with 'that' look..] you mean, sank like titanic ?
scene 7
randy: i say.. no..
paula: fortunately, you’re not ready yet..
simon: unfortunately, you’re never gonna be ready..
scene 8
simon: not in a billion years..
there are any-so-many words i can drag out of my vocabulary, to say how awfull that was
boy: [just nodding]
scene 9
simon: it was dreadfull.. no no.. really dreadfull.. and im saying that..
to be kind, because you will never ever ever ever have a carrier in singing
guy: i don't believe you
simon: i'm telling you
guy: i don't believe you
simon: i'm telling you
guy: oh you can tell me what you want, but i don't believe you
simon: [plain look] remember this word.. you're not a singer..
the only cure of my bored-ness today..
thanks, simon..
hope someday i could post the next part*
the 'lawyer' & the 'titanic' part was unbelievable
20 years anniversary
'What's the matter, dear?', she whispers as she steps into the room, 'Why are you down here at this time of night?'
The husband looks up from his coffee, "I am just remembering when we first met 20 years ago and started dating. You were only 16. Do you remember back then?" he says solemnly.
The wife is touched to tears thinking that her husband is so caring, so sensitive.
"Yes, I do", she replies.
The husband pauses. The words were not coming easily.
"Do you remember when your father caught us in the back seat of my car?"
"Yes, I remember!", said the wife, lowering herself into a chair beside him.
The husband continues. "Do you remember when he shoved the shotgun in my face and said, 'Either you marry my daughter, or I will send you to jail for 20 years?' "
"I remember that too", she replies softly.
He wipes another tear from his cheek and says...
"I would have been released today."
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
… Di depan cermin, saudara merasa kecewa pada satu tahi lalat yang posisinya tidak bagus di wajah saudara. Akhirnya, saudara kehilangan sukacita dan merasa tidak cantik diri...
Sayang sekali, bukan? Coba saudara perhatikan.. Berapa banyak kita bisa dibawa kepada pencobaan ketika kita berada dalam kehidupan yang tidak fokus pada berapa banyak berkat yang sudah Tuhan kasih; tetapi malah fokus ke satu hal kecil.. Dan karena itu akhirnya kita menghancurkan semua yang ada.
Kembali kepada apa yang Tuhan sudah katakan, “everything you can enjoy and take as a blessing from God”. Itu yang Paulus angkat di dalam 2 Tim.4:4, bagaimana Paulus merestorasi konsep PL sebelum jatuh ke dalam dosa, khususnya berkaitan dengan enjoyment terhadap apa saja yang Tuhan ciptakan. Semua ‘enjoyment di dalam creation’ *keren euyyy!!* dipulihkan kembali setelah kebangkitan Yesus Kristus menghancurkan dosa dan membalikkan kita kembali kepada keadaan sebelum manusia jatuh ke dalam dosa. “Karena semua yang diciptakan Allah itu baik dan satu-pun tidak ada yang haram jika diterima dengan ucapan syukur, sebab semuanya itu dikuduskan oleh firman Allah dan oleh doa.”
Enjoyment & Obedience
Allah menciptakan Adam dan Hawa, lalu membawa mereka ke dalam Taman Eden untuk bisa menikmati syukur, enjoyment, dan sukacita bersama Tuhan. Semua buah boleh dimakan, karena semua itu baik adanya. Lalu, kenapa buah yang satu itu tidak boleh dimakan?
Karena itu merupakan bagian dari bagaimana engkau menikmati semua di dalam ketaatan kepada Tuhan !
Enjoyment & Compability Freedom
Kereta api berjalan di atas rel, itu sebenarnya bebas atau terbatas?
Mari kita melihat perbedaan konsep kebebasan dari Libertanian dengan konsep yang diajarkan oleh Reformed Theology, bahwa kebebasan yang kita terima adalah kebebasan yang punya compatibility. Kebebasan kompatibilitas adalah kebebasan yang bukan saja saya bebas, tetapi saya bebas seturut dengan kompatibilitas, dengan kemampuan dan keinginan yang compatible dengan kebebasan kita. Itu namanya bebas. Sebab kalau saudara bebas tetapi tidak compatibile dengan kemampuan, itu bukan bebas.
Film Kungfu Panda memberi contoh bagus mengenai hal ini.
The Master bilang kepada Po, “You are free to eat this dumpling.”
Tetapi waktu Po mau ambil, gurunya meghalangi.
Po bilang, “You said I’m free to eat.”
The Master menjawab, “Yes you are! But do you have abilities to get it?”
(original text by Rev. Effendi Susanto, “Cara Setan Memperdaya Manusia”
taken from :
*and edited by me.. of course.. :p *
Monday, October 6, 2008
still friends
in my opinion, when you talked with your friends, somehow you should try to act as ‘neutral’ as you could. i mean.. let the conversations flow and hopefully you could have a nice bonding, or maybe, get along with your friends.
but i found out..
there are friends which still are not comfortable to talk to.
*you get to know that after having 10 or more lines with them.. and cant wait to ‘having lunch/dinner’? haha*
there are friends which still are very nice to talk to.
*and one of mine is getting married.. congrats to you!! thanks for inviting me !*
there are friends.. well.. you somehow just keep still talking to them for formality sake?
*coz we might need their help someday? or because they were/are part of your life?*
and there are ‘friends’ which just pop up when they think you could help them.
*are they still called friends?*
thanks for being my friend, friends !
a blessed chance
i knew it..
i wont regret for not absent last sunday..
even with the bit-byte-baud things wandering all around my head..
plus another uneasiness of this-so-called life..
i was (and now am) sure there are things still worth to do..
and one of them..
is to be in His home..
and im blessed of still having that chance..
Thursday, October 2, 2008
no worries
‘…therefore do not worry, saying, “what shall we eat?” or “what shall we drink?” or “what shall we wear?” for after all these things the gentiles seek. for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. sufficient for the day its own trouble…’
we rarely if ever worry about the precise present moment. our worries are so often concentrated on the as yet unknown future. at such times, we openly or secretly hope for some sort of advance revelation of the future. a sort of ‘divine equivalent’ (hihi.. nice jargon) to those yearly planners that we use to plot out our activities for the year. we want to know in january, for example, what is going to happen in april and how we are going to be able to handle what will happen. or even what is going to happen tomorrow and what we will do about it. our wish is for some divine illumination to make things clear.
Jesus in this passage reminds us that the key to not worrying is to focus on living for Him in the present rather than wondering about the future. honour Him today and you can be assured He will honour you tomorrow. it is not as if we give no thought for the future: those year planners are virtually a necessity. planning ahead is part of responsible living. it is the worrying ourselves about the future, that is the problem!!! the preoccupation with future possibilities that robs us of present opportunities and delights. by all means, plan and pray for the future, but live fully in the present, alive to all that God is doing.
(i know who hold the future)
God tends to give just enough light for what we need. He doesn't switch on the floodlights and so sweep all shadows and uncertainty away. He gives light enough for us to enjoy Him and others in the present. He gives light enough for us to take the next necessary step, enough light for us to live boldly and creatively, but not so much as to imagine we can manage life by our own wit and wisdom. our grandiose five year plans and ambitious programmes are not evil, but are always conditional, always subject to his direction. we walk humbly in the light we have, and are careful not to equate all our own fond floodlit dreams of the future with divine illumination.
("..My grace is sufficient for you.." - 2 Cor 12:9)
we worry about the future when we imagine it is ours to manage or control. we worry because we do not have the "light" to do so. be thankful for the light we have, trusting it is sufficient, trusting that more will be provided as God deems necessary. this is what we understand as walking by faith and not by sight.
(i know whom i have believed)
in one of his New Year messages, King George VI used this famous quote, "I said to the man at the gate of the year, 'give me a light'. he replied, 'put your hand in the hand of God; it will be better than a light and safer than a known way.'"
(by David Reay)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
last week
watching movies not always great, except you know what you choose. Bangkok Dangerous was not un-safe as i had thought, but Nic is great though. i felt lucky for not craving Wanted in cinema (had sensed it since i read Jolie’s name). and (i knewww that) Nelson’s Taken is the only cure of the three movies ( “for me.. it’s personal” *bang!! bang!! bang!!*)
Messiah Cathedral looks awesome and gigantic. if you ‘look’ close enough, you should find these concepts on its architecture : Trinity, 4 Gospels, 4 NT & OT Giants (Moses, Abraham, Peter, Paul), 10 Commandments, 12 Disciples, and Alpha & Omega on the cross of Christ. you could also read 5 Solas of Reformation & the golden rule of love. the dedication’s sermon itself was affecting. "there's only one saying worth to, it is Sola Gracia”, an opening statement on the sermon, and we agreed with it.
*of course not having a 'shoot' was a crime at that event..haha*
spending 2-hours lunch with es & ft was pleasant. we shared and updated things we were interested in and related with. i also realized then, there are some gaps between ‘vacation’ and ‘vocation’, haha.. well, at least i was on the same table with them :D too bad, the food did not taste very well (except the Roti Canai) *what restaurant is thattt?? haha..*
watching Criminal Minds – another great psycho serial – at least helping me killed my ‘occupied’ times. i was happy seeing Gideon, Hotch, Morgan, Elle, Reid, JJ, and Garcia (not the unsubs, certainly). 22 episodes in 3 days? was it normal.. or.. fast?
a half-day out with daddy? i’ll be surprised!! but it happened!! sometimes he could be very difficult, but not that day. and the results.. we got suits and had puppies (not the pet one) *grinning*
spending the last supper with my family was another pleased things. the food was nice. i never thought the steaks (gindara & yakiniku??) were yummy. anyhow, as i had estimated, Black Dragon Roll is the best, and i was glad they like it. *btw, did i mention the restaurant’s name? *