Saturday, August 30, 2008

the conclusion is..

i recalled those time when my friends call/sms-ed me with 'happy birthday' thing. where are those now? is it because im no longer in sydney? which means a birthday message should be wished in terms of 'local birhtday' ? that's what bothering my mind when i just got a late birthday message *actually, it's a 2nd late one :p *
so, conclusion number one: at least they remember the my birthmonth

my new-coworker asked me to play a networking game with them. i replied YES! *in other words: of course i wanna play..haha..* well, the game run well (for me). out of expectations, i got a MONSTER KILL!! *ups.. did i just reveal what game is it? * hohoho..
i thought i was gonna be the victim (remembering the fact i always was -in previous workplace- and also i hardly ever 'rehearse' against is the most..)
then i came up with another conclusion: practice makes perfect

and.. you know.. i have 3 more friends now.. haha..
yeah, that was the last conclusion ! :p

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