Monday, May 25, 2009

criminal minds - season iv

"i hold doctorates in chemistry, mathematics, and engineering, as well as B.A. in psychology and sociology.. im also completing an additional B.A. in philosophy.."

cool, aint it!! haha..
what a series !!

a bunch of expert profiler, co-called BAU (Behaviour Analysis Unit), trying to find the criminals (they called it an unsub - unknown subject) by thinking just like they think.

a quick glance of the team members:

Rossi (formerly was Gordon),
a senior of this team, experienced, very wisdom, and charismatic. (though i'd prefer Gordon)

‘another chief’ in terms of bureou.
he’s so professional, strict, serious, short and snappy, and smart !

the one that said the statement above (no need more explanation about him, i suppose)

a tough one, athletic, and smart.

Prentiss (was Elle),
smart, quick, and responsive !

she's the one usually deals with public, or you can say 'customer service'

a computer geek, hardly no information couldn’t be retrieved when she says, “i’m on it”

for me, season 1 is okey, season 2 is thrilled! i skipped season 3 for 'some reasons' *grin*, and now im in season 4. and as far as i can tell, this season is tremendous!!
what i reckon now -which i just found out-, the series not also ends up in good ending, but somehow there also has positive messages implied in each of the episodes.

team work, compassion, crazy-ness (of the unsub, of course), profesionality, know-what-to-do/act, real life problems, intelligence, experiences, compassions, etc etc.. those things are all mixed up in here..
great series! just watch it !


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