Friday, May 29, 2009


i have just clicked, and the headline today was "Isu Neoliberal Turunkan Rating SBY"

goshh.. im tired reading newspaper talking about this issues.

just wondering..
how many indonesians do actually know about neoliberal term?
most of them just have 'faith' in those evil-politicians.

that's politics, i guess.
it's all about i win or my competitors lose.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

the penderwicks

This book was written by Jeanne Birdsall, a mother who wanted to find such a good children book that she could not find no more. Thus she decided to became a writer, and here it is, a nice-simple-warmth tale about Rosalind, Skye, Jane, Batty, and their dog Hound.

What is this book about? Well, it was not as complicated as Narnia series, for sure :p It's about a quest on four Penderwicks sisters staying on a beautiful estate called Arundel, and their adventure with Jeffery, son of Arundels' owner.

Naturally, the book will remind you on Enid Blyton's series (Famous Five, Secret Seven, etc) or other children book's author. So, what do i get from this book ?

Children are troubles, arent they ?
But they are not bad as you think.

Are they any laughs here?
Well, I could not help not to (at least) smile on their sincere minds, stupid-but-makes-sense thoughts, try-to-be-heroic deeds, and their others action.

I dont think so, but you will be curious waiting for the next chapter.

Happy ending?
Hmm.. it's not my style to reveal the ending of any books or movies.
But, i would say.. this is a good book for children :D
- - - - - - - - - -

Comments: Nice !
Category: Family
Spoiler++ : You wished you can continue with the next series


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

erasable paper

Xerox Corporation memperlihatkan teknologi erasable paper (kertas yang dapat dihapus kembali setelah dicetak) kepada publik untuk pertama kalinya pada WIRED NextFest, sebuah acara yang memuat inovasi global yang dapat mengubah dunia. Kertas ini dapat digunakan untuk mencetak secara berulang-ulang sehingga kelak dapat menghemat penggunaan kertas dan mengurangi limbah. Ide ini sudah sebelumnya dikemukakan Xerox hampir setahun lalu saat masih dalam tahap prototipe.

Menurut riset, 40% dari dokumen kantor yang dicetak setiap harinya hanya digunakan untuk pemakaian sementara. Ilmuwan Xerox telah mengembangkan sebuah teknologi cetak yang suatu saat memungkinkan pengguna untuk kembali menggunakan kertas yang sebelumnya dicetak hanya untuk penggunaan sementara. Proyek ini merupakan hasil kolaborasi antara Xerox Research Centre of Canada dan PARC (Palo Alto Research Center). Paul Smith, manajer dari laborium material dan sintesis baru Xerox menunjukan kemampuan dengan menghapus sebuah kertas temporer yang telah sebelumnya dicetak.

Kertas yang dapat dihapus dari Xerox dilapisi selubung kimia yang dapat bereaksi dengan cahaya dalam intensitas tertentu. Saat kertas diarahkan kepada cahaya, ia akan menciptakan teks yang tampak dengan mata pada permukaannya. Dalam waktu 24 jam, kertas tersebut akan bersih kembali dengan sendirinya, dan siap untuk digunakan lagi — ini merupakan berita baik bagi kantor yang menurut riset membuang 40% kertas pada hari yang sama saat dicetak.

Terobosan lain yang diperkenalkan Xerox juga sesuatu yang juga secara signifikan lebih ramah lingkungan dibandingkan teknologi saat ini — teknologi percetakan yang dapat mengurangi limbah sampai 90% dan memurnikan air dengan biaya murah yang menggunakan lebih sedikit energi dibandingkan metode konvensional. Xerox juga mendemonstrasikan metode cetak yang membuat pemalsuan dokumen semakin sulit untuk dilakukan karena mampu mencetak gambar-gambar hologram yang berukuran sangat kecil — hanya dapat dibaca dengan bantuan kaca pembesar di bawah sinar ultra violet.

"Xerox memiliki tradisi mengubah cara interaksi manusia dengan informasi dan cara berkomunikasi dalam sebuah bisnis," kata Sophie Vandebroek, chief technology officer sekaligus presiden Xerox Innovation Group.

world's 1st usb 3.0

NEC introduces world's first USB 3.0 host controller
By Matthew DeCarlo,
Published: May 19, 2009, 9:10 AM EST

NEC has unveiled the world’s first SuperSpeed USB 3.0 host controller. The new standard is backwards compatible with its predecessors, USB 2.0, 1.1 and 1.0. Supporting transfer speeds of up to 5Gb/s, on paper, the µPD720200 is ten times the speed of USB 2.0.

NEC states that their new host controller makes it possible to broaden the boundaries of digital electronics such as PCs, TVs and DVD recorders. Their SuperSpeed USB 3.0 chip only requires 70 seconds to transfer 25GB of video content on a Blu-ray disc, which compares to 14 minutes when using USB 2.0 at 480Mb/s. The increase in transfer speed is expected to allow system designers to quickly transfer large-volume data quickly and efficiently.

The chip measures 10 x 10mm and only consumes up to 1W. Samples of the new host controller are scheduled to be available in June for about $15. The company hopes to have a monthly production of one million units in September. The latest device will be exhibited at the SuperSpeed USB Developers Conference in Tokyo, Japan on the 20 and 21 of this month

Monday, May 25, 2009

criminal minds - season iv

"i hold doctorates in chemistry, mathematics, and engineering, as well as B.A. in psychology and sociology.. im also completing an additional B.A. in philosophy.."

cool, aint it!! haha..
what a series !!

a bunch of expert profiler, co-called BAU (Behaviour Analysis Unit), trying to find the criminals (they called it an unsub - unknown subject) by thinking just like they think.

a quick glance of the team members:

Rossi (formerly was Gordon),
a senior of this team, experienced, very wisdom, and charismatic. (though i'd prefer Gordon)

‘another chief’ in terms of bureou.
he’s so professional, strict, serious, short and snappy, and smart !

the one that said the statement above (no need more explanation about him, i suppose)

a tough one, athletic, and smart.

Prentiss (was Elle),
smart, quick, and responsive !

she's the one usually deals with public, or you can say 'customer service'

a computer geek, hardly no information couldn’t be retrieved when she says, “i’m on it”

for me, season 1 is okey, season 2 is thrilled! i skipped season 3 for 'some reasons' *grin*, and now im in season 4. and as far as i can tell, this season is tremendous!!
what i reckon now -which i just found out-, the series not also ends up in good ending, but somehow there also has positive messages implied in each of the episodes.

team work, compassion, crazy-ness (of the unsub, of course), profesionality, know-what-to-do/act, real life problems, intelligence, experiences, compassions, etc etc.. those things are all mixed up in here..
great series! just watch it !

Saturday, May 23, 2009

playoffs 2009 picture (3) - conference finals

now it's conference finals !!

cavs vs magic
im not surprised for cavs.
but magic? hmm.. you have my support now!

lakers vs nuggets
it's gonna be a tough series for both of you.
truly, i have no idea who's gonna win.

now each team has won and lost 1 game.
quite balanced as for now.

so, see you in nba finals !
i guess, it would be cavs vs nuggets.
but, i hope.. magic vs lakers.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


=@ground station=
i was doing the typing as he guiding me what to write..
then, i believe, the coding was okey..

but why.. he kept looking at the code..
then he took control of the keyboard, his eyes still staring at the screen..
so serious..

obviously, i also stared at the screen..
trying to find the mistake..

then he said, "it's okey, erwin.. there's nothing wrong with the code"
he continued, "i'm just trying to make it elegant.."
. . . . .
. . . . .

o m m.. -.-
so.. this is one of the differences between an amateur and an expert..

Monday, May 18, 2009

aku dan marley

Udah baca buku 'Aku dan Marley'?
Apa sih bagusnya baca buku tentang anjing?
Setujuuu.. Itulah komentar mr.e pertama kali waktu ngeliat buku ini. Tapi lanjutannya gimana? Silahkan disimak..

¼ buku,

Iewww... Marley itu binatang yang ‘menyeramkan’. Air liurnya ke mana-mana, suka loncat sini sono, bikin rumah hancur (yup.. karpet robek, tembok retak, pintu jebol), dll dll. Beneran deh, jadi gak pengen pelihara anjing.

½ buku,
Cerita mulai sedikit bergeser ke kehidupan keluarga john & jenny, dan kedua anaknya. Dipikir-pikir, apakah ini seharusnya menjadi buku tentang keluarga John ya. Tapi tentu saja Marley masih sering disebut-sebut, dengan ‘kegilaan’nya. Kadang-kadang lucu sih bacanya, bagaimana seekor anjing bisa se-edan dan se-aktif gitu.

¾ buku s/d habis,
Percaya gak kalo ceritanya semakin menarik, hehe. Yup -tentu saja- Marley masih mendominasi dengan kebodohan-kebodohannya (baru ngeh, kenapa jarang disebutkan sih kepintarannya, haha), tapi justru uniknya di sini, hal-hal itulah yang menghidupkan buku ini.

Sampai akhirnya anak ketiga lahir, lalu John memutuskan untuk pindah pekerjaan & tempat tinggal, sampai kondisi Marley yang semakin menua. Agak-agak sedih sih bacanya, mengetahui kalau Marley semakin tuli, tidak bisa naik turun tangga lagi, tidak seaktif sewaktu ia masih muda, dll. Tapi masih ada hal-hal ajaib yang bisa bikin mr.e tersenyum koq. So, bagaimana akhirnya?

Bagi para pecinta anjing, mr. e merekomendasikan kalian untuk baca buku ini !
Bagi yang tidak suka binatang, gak ada salahnya baca buku ini koq. Gaya tulis John Grogan sangat mudah diikuti. Walau beberapa kali ia terkesan melebih-lebihkan, tapi emang gaya penulisannya memang menarik.

Dan akhirnya, memang sepertinya menyenangkan kalau punya anjing seperti Marley.. (tentu saja, di luar hal2 ‘ajaib’, ‘aneh’, dan ‘menyeramkan’ yang ia lakukan).
- - - - - - - - - -

Comments: Buku yang hangat
Category: Keluarga
Spoiler++ : Awas nangis :D

Sunday, May 17, 2009

my sunday, 17-05-2009

@home, good morning:
uuuhhh.. homestay-parent-ku ngerebus obat2an gitu. tapi baunya menjalar sampe ke seluruh rumah boooo.. dan yang aneh, di dapur sih baunya lumayan oke, bau obat cina gitu. tapi koq, setelah keluar dapur, jadi bau asepppp.. huuuu.. bener aja, pas keluar dari rumah, badanku bau asep.. padahal itu baju baru dipake abis mandi.. hiks huks..

@canteen, lunch-time
nyicip beehon for hun. not bad lah.. walau lebih enak penang char kweetiaw nya :D
*hmm.. kayanya aku tau apa yang harus kupesan besok siang*

ada sekelompok anak-muda yang sepertinya akan ke gereja. yang menarik perhatian, seorang co di group itu yang sepertinya pertumbuhan badannya tidak normal (badan agak pendek/kecil dibandingkan kaki). sewaktu bis berjalan, tiba2 kulihat mata co itu memerah.. berair.. dan tiba2 meneteskan air-mata. lalu dihapus dengan cepat pake lengan bajunya..
kupikir aku salah lihat.. eh kejadian itu berulang lagi..
tapi koq temen2nya gak pada ngeh ya.. masa diriku saja yang memperhatiin..
sayangnya udah sampe tujuan, jadi diriku harus turun..
sambil mikir2 sampe lama banget.. apa yang sebenernya terjadi dengan orang itu..
dan bagaimana kalo aku yang mengalaminya..
ya Tuhan.. maafkan diriku kalau sering lupa bersyukur atas semua kebaikan-Mu padaku..

@mrt - otw to church
masih gak tenang mikirin orang tadi..

- kenapa yang dikirim ke rumah kornelius adalah petrus, bukan paulus? kan kornelius adalah orang kafir dan paulus memang dipilih untuk melakukan penginjilan ke orang kafir?
- kenapa ada yang dibabtis dulu baru Roh Kudus turun, sedang ada yang Roh Kudus turun dulu baru mereka menerima babtisan ?
- kenapa secara urutan, Roh Kudus turun dari Yerusalem, Samaria, Yudea, dan Efesus?

hoalah.. kepalaku ngepul.. percaya deh.. ngejelimet..
tapi menguatkan iman banget.. i know i never regret going to church !!

ada 2 buku drama-komedi-dewasa menarik tuhhh..
pertama, seorang detektif pria yang menyelidiki seorang wanita lewat 'dating online', dan akhirnya mereka berdua jatuh cinta.
kedua, cerita tentang kehidupan sepasang pria dan wanita, tetapi ternyata si pria 'dibutakan' oleh kebaikan' wanita lain.

mata selalu gak tahan pengen beli.. tapi kalo inget2 tumpukan buku2 yg blum dibaca, jadi 'sadar diri'.. haha..

kenapa pesanan tetangga selalu terlihat lebih enak.. T_T
kenapa juga, aku tidak bisa menemukan di mana tempat mereka bli makanan itu..
yang menyebalkan, kenapa aku juga tidak berasa kenyang..

@mrt station - otw home
memang ya.. harga gak boong.. makanan harga murah pasti gak bermutu..

@home - finally..

berdebar2 takut lapar lagi.. untungnya tidak.. (so far) :D
moga2 bisa bertahan sampai 12jam lagi.. :p

have a good weekstart, folks!!
God bless you all, as always !!

rano karno

Seorang bapak sedang duduk di dalam bis kota ketika seorang anak SMP naik dan duduk di sebelahnya. Berulang kali si anak menoleh ke si bapak tadi, kemudian ia bertanya:
Anak SMP: Maaf… bapak ini Rano Karno, ya?
Bapak: Bukan… .

Selang 15 menit, si anak bertanya kembali..
Anak SMP: Bapak ini Rano Karno, ya?
Bapak: Bukan… ..

Selang 10 menit, si anak bertanya kembali..
Anak SMP: Bapak ini Rano Karno, ya?
Dengan sedikit berteriak karena marah, si bapak menjawab: Bukan… !!!!

Karena kesal, si bapak turun dari bis dan duduk di halte. Eh… si anak SMP ikut turun dan duduk di sebelahnya sambil bertanya lagi..
Anak SMP: Maaf… bapak ini Rano Karno, ya?
Karena kesal, si bapak menjawab: Ya, saya Rano Karno. Emangnya kenapa?

Anak SMP: Koq nggak mirip, sih??

Thursday, May 14, 2009

kepo kau

bawel.. kepo.. pengen tau urusan orang.. suka nguping..
tapi sendirinya tertutup..
rese kau..
orang lain pun geleng2 melihat kelakuanmu..
dan sekarang aku menyesal 'menjadikan' kamu teman..

Monday, May 11, 2009

playoffs 2009 picture (2) - semifinals

next round..
ahh, i know it's a bit late. quite 'busy' this last 2 weeks :D
i just managed to watch the game live, by the way. cool!!
well, ok then.. let's make some prediction again..

james is on fire, totally hot and unbelievable.
im sure everybody is happy giving him a mvp trophy for this season.
somehow i wanna see if he sat on the bench for 2 games :p

i sense that, without garnett, you guys are struggling, hoho.
but i prefer you meet cavs in the final than magic, anyway.

hmm, let's see if you can escape from cavs, then i'll go back to you :p
but i appreciate the trio there, bibby, johnson, and smith. great one !

i dont know.. i think you're playing quite steady..
you got lost when your opponent playing excellent, i believe ?
but you have my support as the champion of this season

i didnt see what's great from you except howard.
but i see it now that you have turkoglu and lewis.
well, we'll see from your last 3 matches against celtics then.

you played excellent against spurs.
but you need more to defeat nuggets. moreover, you're lagging 0-3 now.
am i too blunt if i'm saying, "quite no hope?"

i dont know why, but you're tough this season!
you have balanced players and the worst thing is, your performance is getting better.
billups, anthony, and smith.. and another nene, martin, and the new-famous-one, mr. bird 'anderson'. i love seeing your game !

hm, i never thought they could beat blazzers. it's good, though. i don't like blazzers.
but now, you surprise me by holding lakers even!! but, i dont think you're ready for nba final.

im still confident that cavs will advance to the final.
in the other side.. im still not sure yet. but nuggets might do.

Monday, May 4, 2009

the meaning of being forgiven

a week ago..

- - - - - - - - - -
b: did u come to lab yesterday?
e: yes. i came in the morning, then i went to church, then went back and study until 2300 hours. why?
b: wahh.. you still need to go to church in this exam time? you should ask your God to forgive you for not going to church
e: [just smiling]
- - - - - - - - - -

well.. dear my friend,
i think i could understand why you said that, even though i (somehow) could not believe i heard that.

in fact,
i went to church because i was happy doing that.
i went to church because it was a thankful and willingness act that you might not understand it (yet).
i went to church not because it should be the best time to 'ask for help' (even it is valid indeed) for the next day's exam.

im not being a hypocrite.
you should know that it is very difficult indeed doing that.
sometimes movies, games, internet -and even studying- they look like to be the winner.
but i did learn over and over again, there's nothing can beat the joyful of going to church.

and that is the meaning of being forgiven..

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