Friday, November 28, 2008

psalm 131:2

.. surely i have calmed and quieted my soul.
like a weaned child with his mother... is my soul within me.. (Psalm 131:2)

A nursing baby is a picture of ultimate calm and quiet. He is the happiest baby in the world. There is no greater physical or emotional comfort for the child than when receiving nourishment from the mother. Why then does the psalmist use the analogy of a weaned child and not a child that has just nursed? This is where the beauty of this psalm lies.

The psalmist likens the peace in his soul to that of a weaned child with his mother. When a child is weaned and able to calmly rest in the bosom of his mother, we have a picture of calm and quiet that transcends any earthly contentment. The bond between the child and the mother surpasses that of the physical and emotional satisfaction of nursing. The child's desire is the mother, not what she can offer him. His peace comes from being with the mother.

There are two kinds of peace from closeness with God. One comes from being with God and drawing upon His providence, or having one's desires satisfied. Another kind comes from simply being with God.
In our worship, are we like that of a nursing baby or that of a baby weaned? Do we draw close to God because we need to draw from Him that which satisfies our desires, or do we draw close to God because all that we want is Him and Him alone?

Our souls can be still knowing that God is in charge and that He will not withhold anything good from us as long as He wills. But, a greater peace awaits us, the peace of not being in want of anything else, for God alone satisfies.

(from: milis Metamorphe)

1 comment:

  1. waa ^^ good question.. and a difficult one..



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