Thursday, November 27, 2008

a letter to my fave nba teams

dear spurs,
i know it’s so distress when ginobili and parker were out of court for injuires. but so far, you could manage it well. thanks for duncan and finley's coverage, and some great performances from your bench. they were terrific. now that ginobili has returned, i believe you’re feeling more confidence now.

dear jazz,
first, congrats to jerry for bringing 1000 wins with you. such a great role of him!
well, i think your condition is not far different with spurs. but at present deron has come back – it’s great !! i hope carlos will join him soon! last week, without them -out of my expectations- you have performed well! mehmet is getting better i guess, and the rotation of the roaster was good. some benchs showed excellent plays too. i hope i could see you in the 2008’s final.

dear mavericks,
why why why..
sometimes you play terrible !
you have nowitzki and kidd. they are not a ‘perfect match’, probably? howard is playing consistent, i believe. terry sometimes so undpredictable.. i never like him in this team, though..
good luck, anyway !

dear lakers,
amazing! you have the best win-loss record now. i never thought so.
i think phil has succesfully shown why he’s called a brilliance coach !

bryant.. well.. he’s good, with or without any coach. gasol and odom, yes, you guys’ been playing so good - also in supporting bryant. other players? maybe i should praise bynum.
anyway, you're a good team now.

between iverson and billups trading, i guess that was great!
match for each team’s requirement.

on lebron,
wow! i can’t be disagree if he will get the mvp trophy.
he’s so strong yet flexible.. so clutch.. so defensive.. so offensive.. so assistive..
great player !

poor you..



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