Saturday, November 29, 2008

are you sure ?!?!

huh, what a bucket-you !

im tired of making an appointment with you, indeed!
apparently, there's none of your 'YES' i could hold on anymore.
please, next time, don't be such a so being bloody-sure person, will you?

evenmore, the text, "ok, deal" that you sent..

does it indicate something to you?
or, you just don't understand the meaning?
or, you just do not aware of typing it?
so so so . . . annoying !

welcome back, basketball

it's been 4 months since my last basketball-game.
yes, i was happy i finally find a ‘place’ to play it again.
thanks for yesterday night’s sms, “oiya besok jadi basket” huhuiiii.. :p

i set my alarm on 0815. but, yup.. u know..
dunno why.. it turned up that the clock had shifted to 0845 when i open my eyes (again) :D
i jumped on my bed.. took a ‘flash’ shower *hihi*..
preparing all the stuff.. then i realized..
i have nothing to ganjel my stomach.. argggghhh..
usually i need to have some food before doing such kind of physical-activity..
but yeah.. had to go now..
maybe i’d buy some on the way to the court (there’s a nearby canteen at the sports center)

tank tink tunk tank tink tunk

arrgggghhh.. i didn’t bring any money, huahua..
huah.. it’s not good, though.. just afraid i might get faint..
besides it’s my ‘first’ game after a long hiatus.
well, i hope not deh..

on the court, it’s just a weird feeling..
you are ‘new’ here..
you need to blend with others.. or you wont’ be playing
lucky me, i saw my friend there.. i said HELLO to him..
then he invited me to join.. fiuh.. thanks buddy.. . . . . .

after my third game.. i felt the ‘wanna throw-up’ sensation.. hihi..
no doubt lahhhhh.. plus with my stomach had been empty for 12 hours..
i knew, i need to stop.. *huh.. i promise you guys.. i’ll be ‘back’ in the next 2-3 weeks*

to summarize.. *haha.. kaya bikin paper aja*..
not bad, anyway!
1 steal, 1 block, and 4 points.. a triple-single!
(note: usually ‘single’ is never mentioned in real-nba game, haha.. it always tripple-double or double-double.. hihi..)

and now (4 hours and counting), im starting to feel numb..
my feet.. my hip.. my back.. my butt.. :D
well.. i knew it i will ‘suffer’ this.. but i enjoy it, though.. hoho.. =================================================================================

Friday, November 28, 2008

psalm 131:2

.. surely i have calmed and quieted my soul.
like a weaned child with his mother... is my soul within me.. (Psalm 131:2)

A nursing baby is a picture of ultimate calm and quiet. He is the happiest baby in the world. There is no greater physical or emotional comfort for the child than when receiving nourishment from the mother. Why then does the psalmist use the analogy of a weaned child and not a child that has just nursed? This is where the beauty of this psalm lies.

The psalmist likens the peace in his soul to that of a weaned child with his mother. When a child is weaned and able to calmly rest in the bosom of his mother, we have a picture of calm and quiet that transcends any earthly contentment. The bond between the child and the mother surpasses that of the physical and emotional satisfaction of nursing. The child's desire is the mother, not what she can offer him. His peace comes from being with the mother.

There are two kinds of peace from closeness with God. One comes from being with God and drawing upon His providence, or having one's desires satisfied. Another kind comes from simply being with God.
In our worship, are we like that of a nursing baby or that of a baby weaned? Do we draw close to God because we need to draw from Him that which satisfies our desires, or do we draw close to God because all that we want is Him and Him alone?

Our souls can be still knowing that God is in charge and that He will not withhold anything good from us as long as He wills. But, a greater peace awaits us, the peace of not being in want of anything else, for God alone satisfies.

(from: milis Metamorphe)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

a letter to my fave nba teams

dear spurs,
i know it’s so distress when ginobili and parker were out of court for injuires. but so far, you could manage it well. thanks for duncan and finley's coverage, and some great performances from your bench. they were terrific. now that ginobili has returned, i believe you’re feeling more confidence now.

dear jazz,
first, congrats to jerry for bringing 1000 wins with you. such a great role of him!
well, i think your condition is not far different with spurs. but at present deron has come back – it’s great !! i hope carlos will join him soon! last week, without them -out of my expectations- you have performed well! mehmet is getting better i guess, and the rotation of the roaster was good. some benchs showed excellent plays too. i hope i could see you in the 2008’s final.

dear mavericks,
why why why..
sometimes you play terrible !
you have nowitzki and kidd. they are not a ‘perfect match’, probably? howard is playing consistent, i believe. terry sometimes so undpredictable.. i never like him in this team, though..
good luck, anyway !

dear lakers,
amazing! you have the best win-loss record now. i never thought so.
i think phil has succesfully shown why he’s called a brilliance coach !

bryant.. well.. he’s good, with or without any coach. gasol and odom, yes, you guys’ been playing so good - also in supporting bryant. other players? maybe i should praise bynum.
anyway, you're a good team now.

between iverson and billups trading, i guess that was great!
match for each team’s requirement.

on lebron,
wow! i can’t be disagree if he will get the mvp trophy.
he’s so strong yet flexible.. so clutch.. so defensive.. so offensive.. so assistive..
great player !

poor you..

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

pria sempurna

Apa aja sih syarat-syarat yang harus ada dari seorang yang namanya pria sempurna? Menyengkan? Setia? Hangat? Berotot? Tampan? . . . .
*and the list goes on to physical.. :p*

Menceritakan tentang kehidupan 4 orang sahabat. Cerita ini diawali dari perbincangan2 iseng diantara mereka di suatu cafe. Biasa lahh.. di mana ada lebih dari 2 orang ngumpul.. pasti ngerumpi kann.. *haha* Topik yg diangkat malem itu: Syarat Syarat Pria Sempurna *jrenkkk*

adi dehh akhirnya list itu dibikin.. Bener2 cuma iseng..
Sampe akhirnya -entah koq bisa ya- list itu beredar ke mana2.. sampe masuk tv segala, dan mereka dipanggil untuk bikin talkshow.. hoho.

Dann.. pada suatu malam, 1 dari mereka ditemukan terbunuh.. Dan pembunuh itu ternyata mengincar mereka semua..karena mereka semua menulis daftar itu !
Apa yang harus mereka lakukan sekarang?
- - - - - - - - - -

Comments: Seru juga euyy.. Bisa bikin jam tidur berkurang 30mins tiap malam
Category: Thriller
Ratings: Okey lah.. 8.5

Spoiler plus2 : MA (Mature Adult) *haha* =================================================================================

Monday, November 24, 2008

pintar vs bodoh

yesterday, there was a sentence spoken out from my pastor,

"Orang pintar melihat perbedaan.. Orang bodoh melihat persamaan.. !!"


so.. what do you see ?=================================================================================

Friday, November 21, 2008

from many rules to one habit

Reading is like skiing. When done well, when done by an expert, both reading and skiing are graceful, harmonious activities. When done by a beginner, both are awkward, frustrating, and slow.

Learning to ski is one of the most humiliating experiences an adult can undergo (that is one reason to start young). After all, an adult has been walking for a long time; he knows where his feet are; he knows how to put one foot in front of the other in order to get somewhere. But as soon as he puts skis on his feet, it is as though he had to learn to walk all over again. He slips and slides, falls down, has trouble getting up, gets his skis crossed, tumbles again, and generally looks –and feels- like a fool.

Even the best instructor seems at first to be no help. The ease with which the instructor performs actions that he says are simple - but that the student secretly believes are impossible - is almost insulting. How can you remember everything the instructor says you have to remember?

Bend your knees! Look down the hill! Keep your weight on the downhill ski!
Keep your back straight, but nevertheless lean forward! The admonitions seem endless – how can you think about all that and still ski?

The point about skiing, of course, is that you should not be thinking about the separate acts that, together, make a smooth turn or series of linked turns - instead, you should merely be looking ahead of you down the hill, anticipating bumps and other skiers, enjoying the feel of the cold wind on your cheeks, smiling with pleasure at the fluid grace of your body as you speed down the mountain. In other words, you must learn to forget the separate acts in order to perform all of them, and indeed any of them, well. But in order to forget them as separate acts, you have to learn them first as separate acts. Only then can you put them together to become a good skier.

It is the same with reading!
Probably you have been reading for a long time, too, and starting to learn all over again can be humiliating. But it is just as true of reading as it is of skiing that you cannot coalesce a lot of different acts into on one complex, harmonious performance until you become expert at each of them.

You cannot telescope the different parts of the job so that they run into one another and fuse intimately. Each separate act requires your full attention while you are doing it. After you have practiced the parts separately, you can not only do each with greater facility and less attention, but can also gradually put them together into a smoothly running whole.

All of this is common knowledge about learning a complex skill. We say it here merely because we want you to realize that learning to read is at least as complex as learning to ski, or to typewrite, or to play tennis. If you can recall your patience in any other learning experience you have had, you will be more tolerant of instructors who will shortly enumerate a long list of rules for reading.

The person who has had one experience in acquiring a complex skill knows that he need not fear the array of rules (aaahhhh.. keren banget istilahnya) that present themselves at the beginning of something new to be learned. He knows that he does not have to worry about how all the separate acts - in which he must become separately proficient - are going to work together.

The multiplicity of the rules indicates the complexity of the one habit to be formed, not a plurality of distinct habits. The parts coalesce and telescope as each reaches the stage of automatic execution. When all the subordinate acts can be done more or less automatically, you have formed the habit of the whole performance. Then you can think about tackling an expert run you have never skied before, or reading a book that you once thought was too difficult for you.

At the beginning, the learner pays attention to himself and his skill in the separate acts. When the acts have lost their separateness in the skill of the whole performance, the learner can at last pay attention to the goal that the technique he has acquired enables him to reach.

We hope we have encouraged you by the things we have said in these pages. It is hard to learn to read well. Not only is reading (especially analytical reading), a very complex activity-much more complex than skiing; it is also much more of a mental activity. The beginning skier must think of physical acts that he can later forget and perform almost automatically. It is relatively easy to think of and be conscious of physical acts. It is much harder to think of mental acts, as the beginning analytical reader must do; in a sense, hi is thinking about his own thoughts. Most of us are unaccustomed to doing this. Nevertheless, it can be done, and a person who does it cannot help learning to read much better.

a sub-chapter of "How To Read A Book",
by Mortimer J. Adler & Charles Van Doren

new policy

a new ‘policy’ has been introduced !
for the elementary to high-school student, they will start the school activity - instead of at 0700 – at 0630 !

what are the reasons ?
*and my comment following it*

“so that all the vehicle-users don’t load-up in the same time”
hah?? please deh..
the number of the vehicle will still the same!!
it’s just the TIME that shifting, right ??? doohhh..

“it could reduce the trafic-jam percentage between 6-14 percent”
hmm.. just curious about getting that number.. and the survey itself..

“time taken toward the school is going to be shorter ”
HOWW??? by re-locating the school nearby ???

“more economic in terms of petroleum-savings”
HOWW??? 50% discount for purchasing between 0600-0630?

“meanwhile, for the students, without they realized it, they will become more fresh. nothing to lose, right?”
don’t’ you realize… how ‘fresh’ does it feel when you are going to school at 0630 in the morning?
it is not the TIME.. but the OCCASION..
*by the way, have you been to morning-school?*

“and more over, as for the ‘fairness’, the policy will also affect the government employees. their office hours then will be ‘adjusted’ between 0730 and 0900”
why don’t you shift it.. let’s say.. to 1100? it’s more ‘rational’ !!
*you know what does ‘it’ mean, right?*
who’s gonna buy that they will start working at 0730???

just a cynical thought.. no offense..

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

lalala.. lala..

there are many times when i realize that..
i can do nothing about something..
and now..
it is one of that times.. !! *haha*


he taught us :
2 plus 2 equals 4

he assignned us find out that:
2 times 2 (also) equals 4

but then he asked :
if log x = 4 ; then x=?

and tomorrow?
. . . .

i know the problems gonna be about 'that 4'
but why why why..
i just feel like.. it’s gonna be a… “tadaaaa !! SURPRISEE!!!! here’s your '4' !!!



Monday, November 10, 2008

it's not ok.. but it's ok.. but..


why i got assessed by ‘him’.. not the other assessor.. *i knewww it before..*
why he’s so strict and very attention to detail.. *”this is counting.. not a counter”*
why he’s so stingy in giving marks.. *just 1 (out of 5)*
why he understands more than i do? *ya eyalahhh..*
why he’s asking me an un-answered questions? *nodding gives you no extra-marks*

anyway, i don’t dislike him.. hihi..
im contented to be assessed by him..
i also like his ‘style’..
coz' that’s what i call a professional lecturer !

*but i still get upset inside, though.. haha..*

Thursday, November 6, 2008

why baby-girl ?

couple days ago, i had a chitchat with a friend of me..
on her maternity session, she (and her husband) just found out that the baby’s gonna be a girl.

she said, her husband was so happy knowing that.

* chat.. chat.. chat.. *

then she asked me the question, “knp sich klu co sukanya anak ce?” *fully quoted*
it sounds like, she’s so trully 'not-understand' why her husband so so so eager having a baby-girl.


why ? :D

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


what do you expect from such simple creatures? *let's see*

your last name stays put
*well.. thanks…*
the garage is all yours *but not the kitchen cupboard*
wedding plans take care of themselves *hihi.. thanks.. :D*
chocolate is just another snack *and ice cream? and chips? and cookies?*
you can never be pregnant
*thanks to eve*
you can wear a white T-shirt to a water park
you can wear NO shirt to a water park *HMMM*
car mechanics tell you the truth *huahua*
the world is your urinal
*don’t get it*
you never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky
*don’t get it*
you don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt *don’t get it*

same work, more pay *not always*
wrinkles add character *haha.. really?? *
wedding dress $5000. tux rental-$100 *depends on who's paying?*
people never stare at your chest when you're talking to them *okeh.. huahua..*
the occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected *don’t get it*
new shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet *says who!!*
one mood all the time *says who*

phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat *okeh.. i get it.. hihi..*
you know stuff about tanks *tanks? what tanks?*
a five-day vacation requires only one suitcase *ieww.. not me for sure*
you can open all your own jars
*depends on who’s asking..huahua*
you get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness *haha.. thanks*
if someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend *hihi.. sounds cynical*

your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack *the other way to say.. cheap? well.. i dunno :D *
three pairs of shoes are more than enough *i reckon.. two!! 1 formal shoe, 1 sport shoe*
you almost never have strap problems in public *
says who*
you are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes *haha.. why is that so important?*
everything on your face stays its original color *yeahh*
the same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades *yeahhhhhh*
you only have to shave your face and neck. *does woman shave???*

you can play with toys all your life *boys will be boys.. hoorayyy*
your belly usually hides your big hips
one wallet and one pair of shoes -- one color for all seasons
*what's wrong with that?*
you can wear shorts no matter how your legs look *haha.. i think i got the point*
you can "do" your nails with a pocket knife
*women can do either!!!*
you have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache
*hihi.. sorry bout that..*

no wonder men are happier...
*haha.. well.. as the title says.. what does woman expect then? :p*


aaaarrrgggghhhhhhh.. !!*&%&^@#(*&
my pillowwww is stolen !!!$#$!?@# ?!?
please dehh..

dear stealer,
when someone dry something out under the sun, doesn’t mean it is free to be taken !!
are you just too stupid to realize it?
why cant you just let other people do their own business ?!!?%#$?
or you just cant help not to steal it???

your eyes and your hands.. – both – .. so excited to own someone else’s things !
o m m…
or maybe you never know such a thing called PILLOW ?
ashamed on you !!$>./;**@#(?<>

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