[note: 'xx' means i cant remember the person]
xx: makan mana nehh ??
all: terserah.. terserah.. terserah..
me: yg enak apa ya?
rs: di sini ada resto sushi gitu sih, mau?
ht: gw sih apa aja dahh.
me: selaen itu?
xx: paling ke plazing (Plaza Singapore)
xx: udahlah ke plazing aja, foodcourt.
all: okey.
@ Plazing
rs: jadi mo foodcourt kan ya? ato resto?
me: lah.. emang mo apa?
rs: ya ada beberapa resto sih.
me: resto aja deh
all: terserah..
xx: resto mana
me: adanya apa yg enak?
rs: crystal jade [just a quick response]
me: ya udah itu aja [quick response also] *haha*
all: [no worries]
sitting around the table, we 'surprised' by the price.
rs: gimana seh.. katanya mo makan foodcourt, koq jadi ke sini
all: [cekikikan]
af: salah sapa tuhh.
rs: iya nih, bapak ea nih.
me: [cengar cengir]
af: coba sini liat menunya
rs: ada nih, $280 buat ber-enam. [terdiam sebentar] gile, mahal ya boo [cekikikan]
me: hah? masa?
af: ya lu liatnya yg menu prosperity sih. udah deh, dimsum aja gmn?
all: yaudah yaudah yaudah..
[unfortunately, the dimsum was not available]
all: [cekikikan cengir cengir] gimana nih?
ht: masa keluar lagi? malu atuh
rs: pesen apa dong jadinya?
me: sini sini, gw liat dl menunya deh
xx: nihhh
me: loh, ini ada, menu S$128 but ber-6.
af: mana coba gw liat?
rs: ya udah itu aja deh
ht: gw sih apa aja dahh, lu atur aja
af: ya udah ini aja, lumayan koq..
me: [ngitung2] jadi kira2 seorang S$25-an ya
rs: gw ada creditcard nih, mungkin bs dapet discount
af: tapi blum tax loh, 17%
me: halah.. yaudahlah.. cepet pesen..
six sets of menu for 5 of us!
if i was not mistaken, here they are, in order of appearence:
very hot soup-pot contains small pork-rib and spinach (i think)
roasted chick-duck-pork set
steamed fish
deep-fried shrimp with almond
veggies mixed with 3kinds of egg
fried squid
(plus) rice and red-bean dessert
WOW, aint they? :Droasted chick-duck-pork set
steamed fish
deep-fried shrimp with almond
veggies mixed with 3kinds of egg
fried squid
(plus) rice and red-bean dessert
[paying time]
all: ahh.. kenyang..
af: not bad juga koq.. lumayan enak.
rs: iyeh.. banyak isinya.
me: [relief]
ea: mo bayar skarang?
af: boleh, panggil aja.
rs: nih pake amex gw dl aja.
all: [no comments]
rs: nih bonnya, itung geh.
me: seorang jadinya... S$33 [hahhh... what the.. !*&!^#(@((*^(#% ]
rs: wuihh, koq mahal.
af: iye, taxnya bener kan 17%.
me: baru berasa menyesal stlh kenyang ya, huahua
all: [cekikikan]
rs: iya neh.. gara2 siapa emang yaaaa milih resto ini.
me: [da di dum]
well.. it was a great night indeed. we had chitchats, updating each other's 'things', laughing at stupid jokes we made, talking man's stuffs, etc etc..
what a nite, boys!!
and, please don't tell me you guys 'dissatisfied' with the dinner *wakakak*
ReplyDeletei just can give commment 'hahahahaha.. '