Friday, December 5, 2008

guava and pear

this weekend-afternoon, i encounterd a problem in a mini-market:
1. how to distinguish a guava that looked-like a pear and a pear that looked-like a guava?
2. let's say i'd pick a guava.. is it save to eat it with its skin?

*..umm.. umm.. umm.. *
well.. then i decided to choose another 'obvious' one, shandong pear! :D

trully indeed..
i was stucked there for almost 5mins having that 'difficulty',

huahh.. why dont they put a label on the shelf??? *dohhh
life's difficult already.. why some people make it more difficult.. *haha*

1 comment:

  1. use your sniffing ability -.-
    jambu kan baunya khas -.-

    aaa bentar lagi ketemuuu




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