Wednesday, September 17, 2008

a must

a friend asked me, “do you really really need to go there and study again?”
[ it was such a huge question to answer.. of course, logically i will say, “i don’t!” then i silenced for a moment, thought for a while..]
and i still remember my answer, “ it’s not a matter of need to. the thing is, i must go since i’ve been given a chance”

have you ever felt like waking up with such a bad stomach condition, a heavy-headache, and a un-comfy feeling all over the body. then you run for a food, picked a plate of 3-choices-menu with rice, and started to eat it. and..
yuckkkksss... what kind of food is that??? un-salty!! un-sweet!! just like chewing a thick-paper!!
[while i could choose to stay still on the bed, going back to sleep, and hoped to wake alive in the afternoon]
but i must to eat those ‘rubish’. otherwise, i would stay sick that day, missed a chapter of my readings, and probably missed my quiz the day after

my pastor being asked, “why do you spend much money on this gospel rally? it costs you a lot! you might won’t get a break even for physical costs!”
[we all know the situation. we all know that ‘classic question’. we all know the impossibility of collecting such a big money.. ]
with a very low voice, but without no doubt, he answered, “i do. but the price of someone’s life is much more important! so the rally is a must

“are you crazy? you’ve just had an exam, and now you study another subject?”
[looking all those books and lecture notes.. picturing minutes and hour on a chair.. yes, it’s such a stupid thing to start doing another subject]
“i have no choice. i have two consecutive exam the day after tomorrow.. i must study now, otherwise i won’t make it”


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