Thursday, September 25, 2008

i know whom i have believed

ku tak mengerti anugrah Tuhan, yang diperbuatNya bagiku
tak layak ku-trima kasih Kristus, tebusku jadi milikNya

namun ini yang kupercaya, bahwa Dia dapat memelihara
apa yang t’lah kuserahkan, waktu aku percaya

do you believe that 4-lines sentences could speak for your thoughts ?
well.. i do !!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

a must

a friend asked me, “do you really really need to go there and study again?”
[ it was such a huge question to answer.. of course, logically i will say, “i don’t!” then i silenced for a moment, thought for a while..]
and i still remember my answer, “ it’s not a matter of need to. the thing is, i must go since i’ve been given a chance”

have you ever felt like waking up with such a bad stomach condition, a heavy-headache, and a un-comfy feeling all over the body. then you run for a food, picked a plate of 3-choices-menu with rice, and started to eat it. and..
yuckkkksss... what kind of food is that??? un-salty!! un-sweet!! just like chewing a thick-paper!!
[while i could choose to stay still on the bed, going back to sleep, and hoped to wake alive in the afternoon]
but i must to eat those ‘rubish’. otherwise, i would stay sick that day, missed a chapter of my readings, and probably missed my quiz the day after

my pastor being asked, “why do you spend much money on this gospel rally? it costs you a lot! you might won’t get a break even for physical costs!”
[we all know the situation. we all know that ‘classic question’. we all know the impossibility of collecting such a big money.. ]
with a very low voice, but without no doubt, he answered, “i do. but the price of someone’s life is much more important! so the rally is a must

“are you crazy? you’ve just had an exam, and now you study another subject?”
[looking all those books and lecture notes.. picturing minutes and hour on a chair.. yes, it’s such a stupid thing to start doing another subject]
“i have no choice. i have two consecutive exam the day after tomorrow.. i must study now, otherwise i won’t make it”

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

fishing is not a good idea

A man called home to his wife and said, "Darling, I have been asked to go fishing up in Canada with my boss & several of his friends. We'll be gone for a week. This is a good opportunity for me to get that promotion I've been wanting, so could you please pack enough clothes for a week and set out my rod and fishing box, we're leaving from the office & I will swing by the house to pick my things up.. Oh! Please pack my new blue silk pyjamas"

The wife thinks this sounds a bit fishy but being the good wife she is, did exactly what her husband asked.

The following weekend he came home a little tired but otherwise looking good. The wife welcomed him home and asked if he caught many fish.

He said, "Yes! Lots of salmons, some bluegills, and a few swordfishes. But why didn't you pack my new blue silk pyjamas like I asked you to do?"
The wife replied, "I did, dear. They're in your fishing box! ..."


the original title was Never Lie To A Woman
but somehow i prefer to 'modify' it :D

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

day after night

i made a (quite) good (tiny) progress on my serial-interrupts programs. i had the '*' shifting up, down, right (but not left yet) on Hyper Terminal, as i pressed the 'i', 'k', 'l' button on my keyboard which means the DS5000 modul works well on receiving my commands. but too bad, the modul seemed to ngambek as it won't accept anymore loaded hex file. somehow im afraid it's broken *haha* i'll see it 'tomorrow' (emm.. in a few hours.. maybe..)

i checked the result of US Open 2008..
and im happy.. Federer won the championship!!!! huhuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!
it means he's won the 5th-straight-consecutive US Open winner, and collected 13th grandslam titles ! im happy for you, Fed !

im also looking forward to the day after tomorrow!! *hint hint hoorayy*

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Jesus loves me, this i know.. for the Bible tells me so!

Jesus loves me! this I know..
for the Bible tells me so;
little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong

yes, Jesus loves me! yes, Jesus loves me!
yes, Jesus loves me! the Bible tells me so.

Jesus loves me! He who died..
heaven's gate to open wide;
He will wash away my sin, let His little child come in.

Jesus loves me! loves me still..
though i'm very weak and ill;
from His shining throne on high, comes to watch me where i lie.

and make sure you watch this :

if it doesnt work :

just 2 years old?

[press ‘1’ for checking prepaid credit]
. . .
the screen went blank.. *apa pula ini…*
. . .
followed by the indicator led turned red.. blinking..
*mata jadi seger.. jantung berdebar*
. . .
screen still blank.. *ohh.. kayanya heng..*
. . .
[press RESET]
. . .
the screen showed up as normal *fiuhh..*
. . .
it went blank again
. . .
the message showed up "Tap here for Safe Mode Booting" *argghhh.. tidakkk..*
. . .
[just looked at the screen] *bingung..*
. . .
automatic-booting manually *tahan napas*
. . .
went blank again *mulai bĂȘte..*
. . .
the message showed up again "Tap here for Safe Mode Booting" *sebell.. tapi mo gimana..*
. . .
[tap the “Safe Mood Booting” screen] *deg deg deg..*
. . .
the screen went blank again *lemes dah..*
. . .
[press RESET] . . . screen blank.. red led blinking..
. . .
[press RESET] . . . screen blank.. red led blinking..
. . .
[press RESET] *terakhir kali*
. . .
screen blank.. red led blinking.. *nyerah deh*

feel so sad.. like crying. oh noooo.. all the contact numbers.. all the messages.. all the important notes.. all the pictures.. *huaaaaa*
what’s wrong with you.. why did you suddenly acted like that? you are just 2 years old… huah..

i guess i have to let you go.. i threw it on my bed.. so sad. . .

waitttt.. it might the battery!!
. . .
[plug the charger].. red led turned on.. *yess..*
. . .
[press ON button] … nothing happened.. *bahhh*
. . .
[press RESET button] … nothing happened..
*ya elahh.. bukan batre.. malah makin parah nih… gak ada tanda2 kehidupan.. *
. . .
[took a shower] *panik abisss plus sebell.. musti beli hp baru deh.. huahh*
. . .
[finish shower.. and press ON again]
. . .
the screen showed up as normal *ntar juga blank lagi.. huh..*
. . .
it went blank again *kannnn*
. . .
“Welcome to SingTel” *hueh??? hooorayyyyyyy!!*

ahhhhhhhh….now i now.. actually it’s the battery!!!
to be sure.. it was on critical level when i PRESSeds all the buttons.. hoho..
now im happy! welcome back, Atom Exec!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

vanity of vanities, all is vanity

"..the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot.."
Genesis 8:9
(by CH Spurgeon)

reader, can you find rest apart from the ark, Christ Jesus? then be assured that your religion is vain. are you satisfied with anything short of a conscious knowledge of your union and interest in Christ? then woe unto you. if you profess to be a Christian, yet find full satisfaction in worldly pleasures and pursuits, your profession is false. if your soul can stretch herself at rest, and find the bed long enough, and the cover let broad enough to cover her in the chambers of sin, then you are a hypocrite, and far enough from any right thoughts of Christ or perception of His preciousness.

but if, on the other hand, you feel that if you could indulge in sin without punishment, yet it would be a punishment of itself; and that if you could have the whole world, and abide in it for ever, it would be quite enough misery not to be parted from it; for your God--your God--is what your soul craves after; then be of good courage, thou art a child of God.

with all thy sins and imperfections, take this tothy comfort: if thy soul has no rest in sin, thou are not as the sinner is! if thou art still crying after and craving after something better, Christ has not forgotten thee, for thou hast not quite forgotten Him. the believer cannot do without his Lord; words are inadequate to express his thoughts of Him. we cannot live on the sands of the wilderness, we want the manna which drops from on high; our skin bottles of creature confidence cannot yield us a drop of moisture, but we drink of the rock which follows us, and that rock is Christ.

when you feed on Him your soul can sing, "He hath satisfied my mouth with good things, so that my youth is renewed like the eagle's,"
but if you have Him not, your bursting wine vat and well-filled barncan give you no sort of satisfaction: rather lament over them in the words of wisdom, "vanity of vanities, all is vanity!"

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