Thursday, April 24, 2008

three, seven, triple-zer000s’ work-ethics

a friend told me, he’s just had his feces checked in the hospital, and it costed him thirty seven thousand rupiah.

Q: what??
A: yupp.. thirty seven thousand rupiah!!

geeee.. three, seven, triple-zeros.. for those dirty stinked things ???

and what makes it annoyed, they asked the ‘service’ fee right after you sat in front of the receptionist ( before they gave the result, of course).

Q: why didnt they tell you before? on the phone?
A: c’mon man.. you know the ‘work ethics’, dont you ?

Q: did you complain, at least?
A: useless. they well-aware you need them.. and the paper.



  1. well not everybody wants to do the dirty job,right ? and the one who wants to do it, usually wants for something in return as well.

    that's how I think about it.

    and more, that's Indonesia, isn't it ? what can you expect.

  2. hmm.. anwy.. that's the second taken right? :P

    the very same question with ur mum "gimana cara ngambilnya ?"

    how could u manage to get it right this time (not as ur first sample)?




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