Tuesday, July 7, 2009

astonishment of politics

dear all the president & vice president contenders,

to one of you,
knowing again and again that you keep on signing kontrak politik, it truly makes me more sick on you !
is it some kind of desperate moves ? knowing that your chance is very very very small ?
i observe it is just kind of a nothing-to-lose action..
what a pity on you !

to another you,
don’t you know that by criticizing the flaw of this government period, you are showing your stupidity? yes!! because you are part of the government now !
ahh.. maybe you forget?
then, why on earth i must trust your future promise?
since you even can't trust your own legacy at the present..
what a stupidity !!

gee.. i know that politics is unbelievable..
but, somehow, i think those ‘actions’ are far much astonishing !



  1. Tus jadinya ikutan nyoblos ga th?

  2. gak dong..
    kan nyontreng.. :D

    plus separo kelingking berubah warna..



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