Tuesday, June 16, 2009

the mysterious benedict society

The adventure of 4 talented children which were recruited to accomplish a mission. They are chosen not because they’re special, but because they are children, which is.. intresting !!
What kind of mission so that children are the requirement ?
In a good way, talent is not what they need. Are they gonna success ?
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I would say, this book suits most for teenagers (the most). It’s not because of the story –the story is straight to the point, I believe- , but the language. It is read such kind of ‘classic/poetry’ style, but easier.. and stress-free *not like the one I’m reading now* :D

And as you probably could guess, it’s happy ending *haha*
The plot it self, getting not so excited gradually. The beginning, it’s just like you cant stop reading it. But then quite boring in the third-quarter, then you feel an urge to finish it. Wish the book is thinner, in other way. Anyway, if you interested in knowing the gift the children have, just read the book !
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Comments: I never thought I could finish within 2 weeks !
Category: Adventure
Spoiler++ : Sometime you wish you were one of the children

Monday, June 15, 2009


"Seperti booming Communicator sekian tahun lalu: banyak pengguna BB yang nyatanya hanya menggunakan alatnya hanya untuk menelepon dan kirim SMS. Ketika ditanya berapa nomor PIN-nya, mereka pun kebingungan. "PIN apa ya?" Begitu kerap terdengar."
(www.detik.com, 15 Juni 2009)

as my friend told me couple days ago, "orang2 indo mah digoblokin, beli BB cuma buat gaya2 aja.. tapi gak ngerti cara pakenya.. "
you're right, pal ! :p


Sunday, June 14, 2009

kontrak politik

on the newspapers, i feel jijik reading and knowing that all the politicians (specifically, president/vice president contenders, in this context) made some (or as many as you can brag ?) agreements so called kontrak politik.

heiii, politicians !!
how am i supposed to trust your promise(s) ?
you guys keep on promising in this (and all the previous) campaign period.
but what WAS the reality?
and then, WILL it be complied?

and one of you, the candidates..
you said that (free translation), " this country must guarantee the freedom religion.. and absolutely we will provide that assurance! "

you know, ...
it sounds nice !!
but, i could not help not to 'smile' reading that.. *sarcastic.. and ashamed !!*

and.. you know what..
so do people in my community..
*they were chuckling.. yes, a big one!! *

so please..
do not be so boastful !!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

another sorry ?

still remember this ?

and this evening, there was another sorry from you..
and you know what?
it was absolutely perfect!! coz you canceled it at the moment i arrived at the venue.

sorry then..
i could not help not showing my aversion by sending you 'warning' sms..

trust me, pal..
it's gonna be more difficult for me forgetting your 'problem'.

and next time..
i will truly make sure you comply with the appointment. trust me !!

Friday, June 12, 2009

ask jonah

A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small.

The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible.

The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah".

The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?"

The little girl replied, "Then you ask him."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

bruce almighty

God asked Bruce, You had my powers for a week. How many people have you helped? Bruce answered, “I took care a few things, I righted a few wrongs in my own life first, ok? I was going to help others. I think I can help the world.
. . .

Bruce asked God, “What about the voices in my head? Is that part of the hilarity?”
God answered, No, those are prayers. You keep ignoring them, they’re going to build up.

. . .

Bruce asked God, How do you make somebody love You without affecting free will?
God answered, Well.. welcome to My world, Bruce. When you come up with an answer to that one, you let Me know.

- - - - - - - - - -

One of the Jim Carey's movie I love the most !! He plays Bruce Nolan, a struggling man which somehow does not have anything right at the moment (luck-less, job-less, friend-less, and relation-less with his girlfriend). He 'asked' for God's help, then God (Morgan Freeman) granted it. Now can Bruce improve his life with God's power rest in him?

A good movie, I believe ! It is a mixed of comedy, relationship, life problem, and some theology 'concept' (i quote above). The movie gives reflection about how mankind -us- think that we could do things better if we were God.

Is it true ?
Can we truly negotiate with God ?
Do you think God has wrong plan in us ?
Moreover, is it easy to become God?
One thing I'm sure.. as Bruce said,"life is bee.. e.. a.. utiful !!"

Sunday, June 7, 2009


[diambil dari milis Metamorphe]

Dear rekan-2 terkasih,
Saya sedang mempelajari dan mendalami kembali topik mengenai Persembahan Persepuluhan. Karena hal ini diajarkan oleh orang-tua saya dan saya praktekkan
sampai hari ini. Saya bertumbuh dan berasal dari gereja Injili/Presbyterian .

Namun.., belakangan saya agak "terganggu" dengan pandangan yang mengatakan bahwa dalam pandangan teologi Reformed dan gereja-2 Presbyterian, Persembahan Persepuluhan bukanlah prinsip yang dianut.

Adakah rekan-2 yang bisa membantu mengklarifikasi, apakah dalam view Teologi Reformed, Persepuluhan masih dianjurkan atau tidak?
Sebelumnya terima-kasih untuk bantuan rekan-2.

Yang sedang belajar kembali,
= = = = =


Dear Sdr. Gabriel, beloved netters in Christ,
Tampaknya memang ada perbedaan dalam pemikiran orang2 yang menganut pandangan Theologi Reformed.

Kecenderungan dari Luther adalah bahwa orang yang sudah menerima dan percaya Injil akan ditanamkan dari dalam hatinya roh yang baru, dan inilah yang menjadi dasar baginya untuk mengerti apa yang benar apa yang salah, apa yang dikehendaki Tuhan. Luther sangat kritis dengan bentuk2 taurat baru (karena itu dianggap berpotensi mengancam doktrin sola fide).

Sementara Zwingli, selama masa pelayanannya di Zürich, di dalam khotbahnya pernah mengritik praktek perpuluhan yang dilakukan secara rutin oleh para petani (mewakili kaum yang sederhana) dan diserahkan ke biara2. Ini berkait dengan kritiknya kepada para biarawan yang hidup seperti kurang kerjaan dan hidup bersenang-senang. Kritik ini ditanggapi positif terutama oleh pejabat2 di kota Zürich (ini bisa menjadi bahan diskusi yang menarik karena di sini kita menyaksikan bahwa kritik Zwingli sangat kontekstual, maksudnya berkait dengan banyak aspek yang perlu diperhatikan) .

Calvin, melihat kesulitan dalam theologi Luther yang cenderung berhenti pada penggunaan hukum Taurat yang berfungsi 'hanya' menyadarkan orang akan ketidakberdayaannya untuk taat dan karena itu dengan rendah hati mengharapkan sepenuhnya pengampunan dalam Injil Kristus.
Bagi Calvin, orang kristen pun tidak lepas dari hukum. Setelah percaya kepada Injil, orang kristen dikembalikan kepada hukum Taurat, namun tentunya bukan untuk mendapatkan keselamatan (keselamatan hanya karena anugerah) melainkan dalam spirit menaati hukum bukan sebagai budak, melainkan sebagai anak yg taat kepada BapaNya di dalam roh kasih karunia.

Nah, sekarang yang menjadi persoalan adalah: hukum Taurat yang mana yang masih berlaku bagi orang kristen dan yang mana yang hanya diterapkan bagi orang Yahudi? Yang mana yang dihapuskan setelah kedatangan Kristus, yang mana yang tetap berlaku?

Dalam kerangka theologi Calvin yang sangat menekankan the third (educational) use of the law (yaitu hukum bagi orang percaya setelah menerima Injil, dan bukan hanya sebelum seperti diajarkan oleh Luther) tidak sulit untuk menerima pandangan bahwa perpuluhan bagi Calvin tetap berlaku bagi orang percaya.
Meskipun dalam his commentary on Mt 23:23 (bisa dibaca di http://www.ccel. org/ccel/ calvin/calcom33. ii.xii.html) ada kalimat seperti "they ought rather to have begun with the principal points; for tithes were only a kind of appendage", dari kalimat selanjutnya jelas bahwa bagi Calvin perpuluhan termasuk perintah Allah (meskipun secara urutannya adalah lebih belakang dan bukan yang paling utama):
"Christ therefore affirms that he has no intention to lessen the authority even of the smallest commandments, though he recommends and demands due order in keeping the Law. It is therefore our duty to preserve entire the whole Law, which cannot be violated in any part without contempt for its Author; for He who has forbidden us to commit adultery, and to kill, and to steal, has likewise condemned all impure desire. Hence we conclude that all the commandments are so interwoven with each other, that we have no right to detach one of them from the rest." (Comm. on Matt. 23:23)

Bagi saya pribadi, memang benar bahwa perkataan Yesus dalam Mat 23:23 itu bukan perintah melainkan deskripsi, namun di sisi yang lain kita juga bisa berargumen bahwa dengan deskripsi itu Yesus juga tidak mengatakan bahwa perpuluhan tidak perlu lagi dan sudah digantikan oleh "keadilan, belas kasihan dan kesetiaan". Justru kita bisa mengerti bahwa perpuluhan adalah satu penyataan atau ekspresi iman yang sederhana bahwa di hadapan Tuhan orang yg melakukan hal ini belajar untuk menjalankan kesetiaan seperti diperintahkan oleh Firman Tuhan.

Sekarang ada satu perspektif lagi yang bagi saya juga penting untuk diperhatikan yaitu bukan dalam persoalan theological correctness, tapi dari sisi motivasi. Apa motivasi kita ketika kita percaya bahwa perpuluhan tidak perlu lagi bagi orang kristen dan hanya berlaku bagi orang Yahudi di Perjanjian Lama? Jangan2 theologi di sini sudah demikian corrupted sehingga menjadi sarana yang sudah diperalat untuk mendukung keegoisan pribadi.

Atas nama "Theologi Reformed saya tidak memberikan perpuluhan!" atau bahkan "atas nama Alkitab (yang tidak memerintahkan saya untuk memberikan perpuluhan) saya tidak memberi perpuluhan!"

Bagi saya, orang kristen seperti ini ironis dan mendukakan Tuhan. Perenungan saya sederhana saja (terlepas dari perdebatan Luther, Zwingli atau Calvin di atas): jika orang di jaman Perjanjian Lama saja tahu menghargai anugerah Tuhan dengan mengembalikan kepada Tuhan sebagian (kecil!) apa yang mereka miliki, masakan kita yang hidup dalam jaman post Perjanjian Baru lebih tidak mengerti apa itu anugerah? Sulit bagi kita untuk mencerna pengertian theologi anugerah (seperti yang sangat jelas dinyatakan dalam Perjanjian Baru) yang tidak berkait dengan hidup yang memberi (termasuk memberi dalam keuangan, bukan hanya tenaga, bakat dan waktu).

Bagi saya pribadi, angka 10% memang tidak mutlak, maksudnya boleh 20%, 30% etc (tapi kalau 1% ya kita sebaiknya merenungkan lagi apa yang Yesus lakukan bagi kita di kayu salib :). God bless us all.

Love and pray,
Billy Kristanto
= http://www.grii. de =

Friday, June 5, 2009

playoffs 2009 picture (4) - nba finals

finally.. nba finals!

first of all, feel sorry for you, james. i know this is not fair for you.
but yeah.. that's why they call this a game !
and maybe, you should advice your arrogant player, williams, for his boastful mouth.
in summary, i guess james needs more experienced mates, than what he has now.

for you.. i only can say, it's not your time yet, maybe next year.
you did play well, scary, strong, and tough.
but you need more than that.. experience and team work, i believe.

good on you ! maybe i should congratulate coach jackson for this.
bryant is fantastic, no doubt! but odom and gasol, you guys cool !
keep the momentum, and you gonna make it !

unbelievable.. you beat cavs!!
well, im happy for you. but against lakers need more than what you've done to cavs.

what now?
hmm.. let me make a analysis *sok jago :D*
the first game will start tomorrow, @lakers, with 2-3-2 format.

you have my support for this final road !
keep on fire, bryant, gasol, and odom.. and you'll get the ring.
fisher and ariza.. you're the factor-x lakers has.
bench.. be good and stable !
(ps. fisher, i dont like you)

you need mental and teamwork, i guess !
im pretty sure howard will play good, a monster game like you did before.
lewis and turkoglu, i like your style, and it's hot! lakers must notice you!
bench? quite not balanced against lakers, but yeah.. who knows ?
(ps. alston, i dont like you !)

have a good, nice, and sporty game.. both of you !

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

5 cm

5 sahabat baik, setelah 7 tahun bersama-sama -dengan alasan ‘bosan’- mereka memutuskan untuk berpisah selama 3 bulan, dan bertemu lagi.
Lalu apa yang terjadi selama 3 bulan itu? Apa yang terjadi setelah pertemuan itu?
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Di halaman-halaman awal, koq kayanya jayus banget ya. Bahasanya nyablak, gaul abis, ‘rada-rada’, dst.. Tapi, tunggu dulu..justru itulah kekuatan buku ini ! Pembaca akan semakin terbiasa, dan tenggelam lebih dalam dengan gaya Donny Dhirgantoro. Intinya, ia berhasil memberikan warna lain dari arti hidup anak manusia melalui tulisannya.

Buku yang sangat-sangat positif (sempat terpikir, masih adakah pemuda-pemudi Indonesia seperti mereka?), yang mendorong setiap pembaca untuk memikirkan kembali makna persahabatan, kemauan, cita-cita, dan kecintaan terhadap tanah air.

Terlalu idealkan buku ini? Umm.. Mungkin !
Masa gak ada negatifnya? Yaaa.. Ada beberapa part yang bikin bosen sih..
So, layak dibaca? Yup, layak. Daripada nganggur bengong-bengong :p
Lalu kenapa judulnya ‘5 cm’ ? Makanya baca ! Baru ketauan di akhir cerita :p
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Comments: Positif !
Category: Anak muda
Spoiler++ : Bikin penasaran, kadang bosan, tapi tetep penasaran :D

nine words women use

(1) Fine
This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

(2) Five Minutes
If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

(3) Nothing
This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

(4) Go Ahead
This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!

(5) Loud Sigh
This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)

(6) That's Okay
This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

(7) Thanks
A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says "Thanks a lot" - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say, "you're welcome" . that will bring on a 'whatever').

(8) Whatever
Is a woman's way of saying F-- YOU!

(9) Don't worry about it, I got it
Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself.
This will later result in a man asking,"What's wrong?" (For the woman's response refer to # 3.)
*dear women, please help us.. :p

Monday, June 1, 2009

"enak, voucher, dan film" - satu worldview

scene 1: enak
[jam makan siang]
b: erwin, lu dah makan?
e: wah udah, ini baru aja kelar.
b: makan di mana? pesen apa?
e: tadi di kantin 9. enak boo, bakut teh nya

b: oya? *pandangan tertarik* brapa duit?
e: umm.. $3.
b: wowww *pandangan kaget* mahal banget.. lu tau gak, di kantin 2, cuma $2.
e: oya? koq murah banget?
b: ya dagingnya agak dikit sih, tapi murah.
e: oo.. ok.. kapan2 ah gw coba di sana.

[beberapa hari berikutnya]
e: gak enak ah yg di kantin 2.
b: oya? lu dah coba?
e: udah, ini baru nyicip
b: ya, bagi gua sih enak. lagian bener lebih murah kan.
e: . . . . .

ooo.. jadi itu toh, definisi 'enak' lu..
lagian ya, beda kualitas sama kuantitas ah *ca elah.. haha*
di kantin 2, kuah pucat, rasa tawar, daging-nya diet punya pula.
entah lah, kadang2 gw gak ngerti selera 'enak' lu.
di kantin 1 pun, gw bilang gak enak.. kenapa lu bilang enak ya?
murah? gak juga sih.. huah.. no idea deh..

scene 2: voucher
[di suatu siang]

e: woooww.. apa tu?
b: oh ini, gw dapet voucher toko buku xxx
e: wah, asik dong ya. lumayan tuh.
b: yup. lu mau?
e: umm..
b: kalo lu mau, gw bisa jual murah koq ke elu..
e: . . . . .

astaga.. apaan tuh.. untung gw blum jawab MAU.
kalo lu mau bagi2 voucher, bagi aja, gak usah pake acara jual murah segala.
amit2 deh. gw jadi lebih rela bayar double daripada gw beli murah voucher lu itu.

scene 3: film
[di suatu sore]

b: wah, mo nonton ya
e: yup. lagi mikir2 nih, mo ntn film ini ga ya
b: wah lu demen ya ntn di bioskop
e: hehe..
b: gw udah punya nih, film wolverine yg terbaru itu. dapet dr inet, kualitas dvd loh.
*nada bangga kr dapet gratis*
e: oh, ok.
b: kmrn gw jg dapet film2 xmen 1-3, soalnya ce gw mau nonton
*entah, pamer ato bangga*
e: oh, ok.
*lanjutin browsing film*
b: gini deh.. lu mending bayar gw 10$ per-film, ntar gw cariin film apa aja yg lu mau.
e: . . . . .

buset gak tuh..
gw ngerti sih kalo lu pelit (ato mata duitan ?)..
tapi gak usah sok gitu dong..
jijik dengernya tau..

well, dear kawan-ku, gw dah tau deh worldview lu apa..


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