Thursday, March 12, 2009

installing network printer

i've just done installing network printer, under ubuntu 8.10 !!
i feel woooooooooowwww dehhhhhhhh !!

actually, it were 3-hours struggling
to start with finding the printer's driver.. it's quite easy, since i have the printer's name, Brother MFC 9840CDW.

second, i tried following installation procedures from Brother website, and i failed.. what a HUH website and instructions !

then third, i did some googling, and found a nice-exact one (from Paul Manders' website). thanks heaps !
actually, there is another easy way to do it, using Synaptic Package Manager (in ubuntu 8.10) but it must be combined with typing
htxx://localhost:631 in your browser, and extra trial & error :p

it's cool!! it feels great!!
can sleep now!! :p


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