Tuesday, March 31, 2009

boundaries in dating

Why dating?
Why boundaries in dating?
Whom should i date?
What can i live with or without?
How to solve dating problem?
And so on..

Quite classical questions about relationship, aren’t they?
And another book about relationship?
Yes.. here’s another book (again) about relationship, by Henry Cloud & John Townsend, well-known writers on this kind of matters.

About this book, i-my self, found quite a lot of things that re-remind me about ‘another’ meaning of relationships. And isn’t it always ‘nosy’ knowing another person’s story (or problem) ?
Yes!! Or no!! ???
If you say yes, then you will find this book attractive.
If you say no.. umm.. I don’t believe you :D

Well, there’s nothing really really really special about this book, but as I said above there are couple of sayings which i like, for example :
“Since you have to date sinners, decide which sins you can live with, or at least, work with !”
“There are sinners that you can live with” *hmmm..*
“In relationship, two people love, comfort, have fun, grow.. and have conflict” *ouch..*

When you take hold of those thoughts – trust me! – you will see and think about relationship more clearly.

A glance inside this book:
“In all the years that I have done marriage counseling, I have yet to meet a couple who was ready to divorce or having significant problems because one was not witty enough, or did not read their bible as much as the other wished.
But I have met hundreds of couples who are about to end their relationships who say things like this:
- He cant connect emotionally. he doesn’t understand what i feel
- She is such a perfectsionist. I wish she could just accept herself as she is
- He doesn’t listen to me
- He is so critical, i never feel like I’m doing anything right”

Kinda strikes you?
If it does, then you might want to read this book !
- - - - - - - - - -

Comments: Still worth to read.
Category: Relationship.
Spoiler++ : You can't help to finish reading the preliminary case in each chapter.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

8 bulan bersama kalian..

sekitar dapur
udah tau tempat sampah itu penuh.. diplastikin keq.. diiket.. trus buang..
sampah juga sampah lu.. malah timpa aja terus.. gak sadar ya udah berlecetan kemana2..
sama itu tuh.. kecoak2 juga pada ngiter2.. mampir2 kamar gw lagi..

kalo abis makan, ato masak, ato apa gitu.. langsung dicuci atuh.. jangan dibiarin direndem doang.. itu jorok gak sih.. sampe banyak binatang2 kecil beterbangan..
ditinggal seharian pula.. buset dah..

well, gw tau sih, lu2 orang kl masak emang banyak pake bumbu..
tapi mbok dirapihin kali ya..
jangan disebar di seluruh pelosok dapur.. dan tidak tertutup/terikat pula!!!
gw jd bingung, itu sampah / bekas pakai / masih layak pakai / apa deh..

oiye.. kalo ngerusak barang, tanggung jawab donkkk.. lu jadi bikin gw gak bisa makan indomie, tau gak sih.. katanya mau betulin.. baahhh.. ngibulll

lemari es
btw, itu lemari es ya.. emang cuma buat isi barang lu doang?!? itu buat sharing atuh..
lagian, ngisi kulkas juga kayanya jangan asal berjubel gitu kali..
asal dikuwel2, selipin cari tempat kosong, dan dorongggg.. jadi il-fil ngeliat kulkasnya..

kamar mandi
itu kamar mandi, buat bareng2 kali om..
kalo nge-flush yg bersih dong.. jangan ninggalin bercak2 hitam yg menjijikkan itu di kloset..
can you see it !?!?!? o m m . . . .

kalo rambut rontok, rontokannya dibuang di tempat sampah kali..
jangan dibiarin aja bertebaran rapih di lantai shower sampe nutupin lubang..
mending rontoknya beberapa helai.. itu kalo udah dikeringin, trus dikumpulin selama seminggu, bisa dibikin sapu ijuk kali..

oiya satu lagi.. abis mandi, tolong dong jendela ventilasi dibuka lagi.. pengep tau..
mending sabunnya wangi enak.. no offense sih.. tapi koq baunya tajem banget ya.. idung gw langsung menyerengit..
dannnn.. pintu mandinya dibuka dongggg pas lu kelar.. jangan ditutup.. huah..

gw jg bingung deh, lu2 orang itu mandi ato bersihin kamar mandi sih?
koq tempat2 yang (gw rasa) seharusnya kering bisa basah berceceran gitu? langit2.. pintu.. cermin.. gak abis pikir deh..

kalo punya sepatu n sandal, mbok ditaro di deket kamar lu masing2 knapa..
knapa harus ditaro di bawah sofa ruang tamu.. dijejer pula.. rapih sih..
tapi itu ruang tamu boooo.. lagian kalo dijejerinnya di rak sepatu, itu jauh lebih pantes deh..

kalo ngegosok baju, bisa dikamar kan? knapa sih harus di meja ruang tamu..

kalo abis cuci baju, langsung diangkat dan dijemur bisa kan? knapa harus didiemin seharian.. oiya, just curious.. lu2 orang kalo nyuci, pake detergen gak sih.. gw curiga abis deh.. satu, gak pernah ngeliat lu orang bawa2 detergen.. dua, tiap gw buka itu mesin cuci, gak prnah kecium bau detergen..

oiyeee.. gw tau sih, kita di sini cowok semua.. tapi kalo keluar kamar, jangan cuma boxer-an doang atuh.. ngeri gw.. diawali si cina.. eh si india ikut2an.. brrrr.. brgidik gw..

yg satu ngomong inggrisnya pelo, terpatah2, dan gak jelas, gw bingung deh sampe.. yg satu cepet banget, even gw dah minta ngulang 2-3x masih kaya menebak2 aja.. yg laen nge-bas banget suaranya, tetep gak jelas jg sih.. dan kebanyakan dari mereka selalu menggelengkan kepala tiap ngomong *gw pernah iseng coba ngikutiin geleng2 lu orang loh.. huahua..*

kalo keluar apartment, pintu depan dikunci kaleeee.. emang sih kayanya relatif aman dibanding negara2 lu orang.. tapi koq gak bother untuk ngunci sih..

gw prnah ngelongok masuk kamar2 lu orang.. koq bisa tahan sih.. ada gumpalan debu *yesss, i can see it!!* di pojok sono.. ada sepatu berjejer di sini sono.. dan itu di atas ranjang, isinya : buku ya ada.. selimut ya ada.. tas ya ada.. kertas2 ya ada.. oiya.. tapi knapa gak ada bantal? *well at least gw tau deh bukan lu2 orang yang nyolong bantal gw*


*dear: indra, seenuvasan, gu, prasanna, & aveek
maap kalo kalian gak/belum bisa baca, tapi emang sengaja koq :D
all the best for you, guys.. still nice knowing you all..

soothing, isn't it..

"..no temptation has come your way that is too hard for flesh and blood to bear. but GOD can be trusted not to allow you to suffer any temptation beyond your powers of endurance. HE will see to it that every temptation has its way out, so that it will be possible for you to bear it.."

aaahhh.. how soothing is it..
thanks to a friend who reminds me of this verse..
and i will pray for you too.. God bless..

Monday, March 16, 2009

answer me

version 1:
NTU Staff Found Hanged (http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking...y_347185.htmlS)**
Zhou Zheng, a 24-year-old staff member of the Division of Infomation at the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) was pronounced dead at his Nanyang View apartment at 10.55am. The Nanyang Technological University project officer, who was found hanged in a staff apartment at the NTU campus on Friday night, had just started work five days ago. Mr Zhou Zheng, 24, a Chinese national from Hubei, who worked for the Division of Information at the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), was pronounced dead in his flat at Block 101C Nanyang Heights at about 10.50pm

**(you won't be able to find the link.. it's been 'secured')
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

version 2:
"Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,
It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that one of our colleagues, Mr Zhou Zheng, an infocomm project officer was found to have passed away in an apartment at Nanyang Heights at about 10.50pm on Friday, 6 March 2009." (Dr. Su Guaning, PRESIDENT)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

now, help me answer this.. do you think:
1. the red-bold-sentences above have the same meaning?
*rethorical question?*

2. the honour code of the university: "truth, trust, and justice" rings a bell to the president?
*maybe he does not know if it exists?
*ahh.. i guess it's composed for students only..
*and truly.. i feel no significance using capital letter on those 'important code'

3. it's normal for me to dis-respect the president?
*i do.. whatever your answer is..

4. 'something' is happening?
*yes absolutely !! too many 'coincidences'..
but i wont post those things here now.. maybe one day..

Thursday, March 12, 2009

installing network printer

i've just done installing network printer, under ubuntu 8.10 !!
i feel woooooooooowwww dehhhhhhhh !!

actually, it were 3-hours struggling
to start with finding the printer's driver.. it's quite easy, since i have the printer's name, Brother MFC 9840CDW.

second, i tried following installation procedures from Brother website, and i failed.. what a HUH website and instructions !

then third, i did some googling, and found a nice-exact one (from Paul Manders' website). thanks heaps !
actually, there is another easy way to do it, using Synaptic Package Manager (in ubuntu 8.10) but it must be combined with typing
htxx://localhost:631 in your browser, and extra trial & error :p

it's cool!! it feels great!!
can sleep now!! :p

what are they doing?

The boss wondered why one of his most valued employees was absent one day but had not phoned in sick. Needing to have an urgent problem with one of the main computers resolved, he dialled the employee's home phone number and was greeted with a child's whisper, "Hello ?"

"Is your daddy home?", he asked.

"Yes", whispered the small voice.

"May I talk with him?"

The child whispered, "No.."

Surprised and wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, "Is your Mummy there?"


"May I talk with her?"

Again the small voice whispered, "No"

Hoping there was somebody with whom he could leave a message, the boss asked, "Is anybody else there?"

"Yes", whispered the child, "A policeman"

Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee's home, the boss asked,"May I speak with the policeman?"

"No, he's busy", whispered the child.

"Busy doing what?"

"Talking to Daddy and Mummy and the Fireman", came the whispered answer.

Growing more worried as he heard a loud noise in the background through the earpiece on the phone, the boss asked, "What is that noise?"

"A helicopter", answered the whispering voice.

"What is going on there?", demanded the boss, now truly apprehensive.

Again, whispering, the child answered,
"The search team just landed a helicopter"

Alarmed, concerned and a little frustrated the boss asked, "What are they searching for?"

Still whispering, the young voice replied with a muffled giggle..."ME.."

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

puing puing kehidupan

Mr. Stevens, saya turut berduka cita. Ayah Anda meninggal sekitar empat menit yang lalu.
Oh begitu.
Mr Stevens, saya turut berduka cita. Andai ada yang bisa saya ucapkan.

Tidak perlu, Miss Kenton.
Anda mau naik dan melihatnya?

Saat ini saya sedang sibuk, Miss Kenton. Sebentar lagi mungkin.
Kalau begitu, Mr. Stevens, bolehkah saya menutup matanya?

Saya akan sangat berterima kasih, Miss Kenton. Miss Kenton, tolong jangan anggap saya kurang ajar karena tidak langsung naik dan melihat Ayah yang sudah berpulang. Soalnya, saya tahu Ayah tentu ingin saya melanjutkan pekerjaan saat ini.
Tentu, Mr. Stevens.

Kalau tidak, saya merasa mengecewakan beliau.
Tentu, Mr. Stevens
- - - - - - - - - -

Kisah perjalanan selama 6 hari seoarang kepala pelayan mencari seorang gadis yang dulu menjadi staf-nya. Apakah perjalanan ini benar-benar untuk ‘memaksa’ gadis itu bekerja kembali? Atau ada ‘hal lain’ sehingga Stevens rela melakukan perjalanan yang cukup jauh ini?

Banyak dibumbui oleh flashback aktifitas Stevens di Darlington Hall, di mana pembaca dipastikan bisa menebak karakter & temperamen Stevens melalui hal-hal seperti bagaimana seharusnya profesionalitas kepala pelayan sejati ditunjukan.

Misal, apa yang harus dilakukan jika ia tidak setuju dengan majikannya sendiri? Bagaimana cara menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan aneh dari tamu penting majikannya? Bahkan jika ia harus memecat ayah-nya sendiri? Lalu, yang terpenting, bagaimana akhir perjalanan yang ditempuh Stevens itu?

Sebuah buku yang *cukup* menarik, hanya disayangkan *bagi Mr.E* plot cerita dibuat terlalu lambat dan pembagian ‘event’ yang kurang seimbang. Misalnya, pertemuan yang dinanti-nantikan, ternyata hanya diceritakan secara singkat - 1 lakon. Tetapi, jika Anda tertarik dengan cuplikan percakapan di atas (yang mencakup sebagian besar isi buku), mungkin Anda harus membaca buku ini !

Tambahan, ternyata buku ini telah difilmkan juga dengan judul asli-nya ‘The Remains of The Day’, dimainkan oleh Anthony Hopkins & Emma Thompson.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Category: Drama
Spoiler: Bersabarlah! :D


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

another letter for nba teams

dear teams:
and what’s wrong with you, team?? is it because most of you are veterans?

there’s nothing much to say..
but for me, you’re frightening the western conference teams..

i welcome you back, carlos! eventhough you didn't seem contributed much since then, it boozed the team.. i guess..
and 9-1 streak results is fantastic ! can’t wait seeing you to climb up further.

does Iverson not do any good on you? didn’t hear much about Hamilton as well. doomed signs?

you’re crazy.. adding marbury in your bench..
but i sense, with garnet out recently, you’ve been struggling?

dear players:
i should say, you’ve been great lately..
and watching you did the jabbawookeez dance.. it was cool man!!

i just noticed, you didn’t get elected on the last all-star game?!?
and it seems you are ‘below’ harris’ performance..

i never see any center as big as athletic as you.
anyway, can you score without dunking?

i feel sorry for you..
first-time possibility off the playoffs ?


Monday, March 2, 2009

is it him or me


i know he's very competent..
i can see it from what he did and does in the classroom.

i know he loves teaching..
i can see it from his eyes and smile..

is he speaking in english?
is he teaching the right subject?
is he talking to himself or us?
is he..
is he..
is he..

or is it just me.. ? wakakak..

dear Dr. A.H...
with all due respect.. yessss,
i do respect & honour you.. :)
please dis-regard this post if (somehow) you read it..
i believe the problem is still in me..

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